Chapter eleven

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Clarke checked all of Bellamy's bruises, he was a little banged up, but he was okay for the most part.

Clarke and Bellamy both wanted to get Charlotte back, badly. The both wanted her to get her back to them, safely.

"My people won't give up Charlotte, not without a fight. If we do go after her and try to get her back, we will die trying. My people are much too dangerous." Lincoln warned. "If I was making the destination here, I wouldn't risk it."

"Are you saying we shouldn't go after her?!" Clarke asked with anger.

Lincoln wasn't the least bit intemided. "That's exactly what I'm saying."

Bellamy spoke up before Clarke could get anymore angry. "Lucky for us, you don't get to make the decisions."

"If we go after her, we might aswell walk into fire! We can't get her back." Lincoln continues.

Clarke feels her eyes get watery. Dhe had developed a motherly connection with Charlotte, and Clarke wouldn't be able to live with herself if something happened to Charlotte and she didn't try to stop it.

"Lincoln, please." Octavia begged, when she noddiced the tears gleaming in Clarke's eyes.

Octavia never got as connected with Charlotte as Clarke did, so Lincoln's facts weren't much of a heartbreak to her.

Lincoln ignored Octavia's voice, and continued. "If we go after her, we'll never come back."

Bellamy looked over at Clarke and saw the tears in her eyes.

"We're going after Charlotte, and that's final." Bellamy looked over at Linclon and yelled. "If you have a problem with that, you can leave!"

Bellamy looked back over at Clarke, who still had tears in her eyes. Bellamy walked over and pulled her into a hug. He ran his fingers through her hair, confertingly.

Clarke rapped her arms around him, holding onto his tightlt. Clarke closed her eyes while she said:
"Thanks for that."

"Anytime, Princess, anytime."

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