Chapter ten

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Octavia ran over to Bellamy's side. He was brused with purple, blue, and black from the beating that he received from Anya's men.

"Bell, are you okay?" Octavia asked once she reached his side.

Bellamy's eyes were closed, but when he hears his name his eyes shot open. Bellamy's eyes were barely able to open, he was weak and in pain.

Bellamy studded everything around him, seeing his friends and allies, just not Clarke or Charlotte

"Clarke. Clarke." Bellamy called.

"Bell, are you okay?" Octavia repeated, a little louder his time.

"Where's Clarke?" Bellamy questioned.

Lincoln heard Bellamy question. He hollored back. "I found her!"

Lincoln found her behind a blueberry bush, he knew the grounders must have dragged her under.

Lincoln examined Clarke, she was in pretty good condition. Only two or three bruises.

"Clarke?" Lincoln asked, not sure of what else to say. "Can you hear me?"

"Where's Charlotte?" Clarke asked first thing, her voice came slightly shakey.

"Gone. The grounders took her."

Clarke felt tears come to her eyes.

Charlotte was so young and she had gone threw hell and back.

"Bellamy?" Clarke asked afraid of what she would hear next.

"I'll take you to him."

Clarke smiled, slightly. "Thank you."

Lincoln helped her to her feet. Lincoln walked her a few more feet, until she had reached Bellamy.

When Clarke saw his badly brused body she exclaims. "Bellamy, Oh m-"

"Can you help him, Clarke?" Octavia asked, nervously.

Clarke nodded, a few tears shinning in her eyes. "Yeah. Yeah I can."

Clerks got in her knees next to Bellamy

"Are you okay?" Bellamy grunted slightly in the middle of the sentence.

Clarke, who was focused on Bellamy's bruises, only nods.

"Clarke." Bellamy says her name gently.

Clarke looks up at the sound of her name. Her eyes where watery from the thought of Charlotte.

Bellamy understands why Clarke is crying, the loss of Charlotte. Bellamy slowly moves his hand, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. He moves his hand to the back of her head, and slowly pulls her into his shoulder.

Clarke burrows her head in his shoulder and starts to cry. "She's gone."

"Hey. Hey. We'll get her back." Bellamy assured.

Clarke still continued crying.

"I promise, Clarke. We'll get her back." Bellamy clenchs his jaw shut with anger. The grounders took Charlotte. The grounders made Clarke cry. It was all the grounders' fault.

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