Chapter seventeen

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"Clarke." Bellamy spoke gently.

He realized that she was unconscious and that fact scared him. Bellamy scanned her body, looking for any injuries. But she, too, had bandaged and doctored wounds.

Who healed us? Was it the grounders? Why would the grounders heal us? Bellamy wondered.

Bellamy noticed that Clarke has goose bumps all over her, and she was shacking from lack of warmth. Bellamy scooped Clarke into his arms and brought her close to him, she was freezing. Just on contact with her skin, Bellamy shivered. Bellamy rested his head on top of Clarke's. He knew that she would be waking up soon, and he had no idea what to say to her.

Bellamy sighed, his head still on Clarke's.

Clarke shifted slightly, starting to wake up. Clarke took a loud breath, and then shifted once again. Her eyes shot open, now she was awake.

What was Bellamy supposed to say?

"Clarke." Clarke jumped at the sound of her name. "Hey, relax it's just me."

It took Clarke no time to say: "Bellamy?"

"Yeah, princess. It's me."

Clarke smiled. "Bellamy!" She exclaimed.

Clarke threw her arms around him. Bellamy hugged her back, tightly. Clarke buried her head into Bellamy's shoulder, and her body relaxed. Clarke was always conferable around Bellamy. He made her feel safe, happy and... loved. Bellamy Blake made Clarke Griffin feel loved.

Bellamy kept her close to him, never wanting to let go. He cared about her, she cared about him, but it wasn't that simple. No love in the games was ever simple.

Clarke pulled away to look him in the eyes, "Where is everyone else?" Clarke paused shortly. "Where's Octavia?"

"I don't know." Bellamy answered, trying not to cry over the fact that his sister my be dead. "I'm sue that wherever she is, she's okay."

Octavia, Lincoln, Raven, Wick, Monty, and Jasper stood in a tight circle.

Everyone knew it was coming, they had to tell Octavia.

Raven held Wicks hand as she said. "I'm sorry Octavia, I don't know how to say this, but Bellamy, he - he's dead, and Cl-"

"Bell's de-dead?" Octavia had a large amount of tears form in her eyes. Lincoln pulled her into a hug, and kept her close to him, knowing that she was about to cry.

"I'm so sorry Octavia." Lincoln whispered into her hair. "I wish I could just take away all the pain away."

Octavia had tears streaming down her face like crazy. "How do you know that he's dead, he can't be dead!"

"The grounders took him," Raven paused for a second, and a tear fell down her face, "and they - um - they took Clarke, too."

"They took Clarke, too?" Octavia asked. Then a terrifying thought came to her head. "Is C-Clarke dead, too?"

Raven couldn't answer for she, too, was crying. Raven turned to Wick, who pulled her into a conferting hug.

Octavia choked on her own tears. "Is she?"

"She's dead, too." Monty told her with sorrow in his eyes.

"We just don't know we're Miller is." Jasper told her.

"Bellamy and Clarke are dead? They died?" Octavia's voice came as a cry and a scream at the same time. Octavia's voice was calmed when she said. "We don't know that."

"We don't know anything, Octavia." Wick agreed. "But, if they aren't already, the grounders will kill them."

Author's Note: Poor Octavia, the two people that she cared about most are "died".

Where do you guys think Miller is?
Where do you guys think Charlotte is?
Do you guys think their dead?
Let me know.

I'm hope that you all enjoyed the update. I'll be updating, soon.

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