Chapter fourty-four

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"Charlotte!" Clarke and Bellamy yelled as they ran hand-in-hand.


The thought of the Grounder taking Charlotte, the idea of them hurting her, was one the worst things that neither Clarke or Bellamy wanted believe.

"Charlotte!" Two voices broke threw.

Everyone exchanged shocked glances, because they all knew who it was. It was Bellamy and Clarke.

Charlotte was the first to respond. "Clarke! Bellamy!"

"Charlotte!" The two yelled again.

"I'm over here!" Charlotte hollered.

All of a sudden Clarke and Bellamy broke threw the shadows, and everyone froze.

They all looked at each other in shock.

Raven, Wick, Miller, Jasper, and Monty looked wide-eyed over at Clarke and Bellamy. Charlotte smiled, once she realized that Clarke and Bellamy were about to reunite with Octavia. Bellamy and Clarke stood frozen, with shock. It's like they had seen a ghost. Everyone that they thought was dead, was alive. Octavia didn't know quite what to do or say, so just began crying.

"Bellamy!" Octavia yelled as tears flowed down her face.

Octavia began running as fast as she could to Bellamy. She gave both Bellamy and Clarke no time to react. Octavia jumped onto Bellamy, throwing her arms around him. Clarke and Bellamy dropped hands as Bellamy wrapped his arms around his sister.

Clarke brought both of her hands over her mouth as she began to cry from happiness, and joy. She stumbled backwards and settled herself to the ground, before she fell. She sat on the ground in shock, hands over her mouth, and tears in her eyes.

"Clarke." Raven ran over and dropped to her knees. She hugged Clarke, who was still on the ground in tears.

Clarke laughed and cried at the same time while she hugged Raven back.

Octavia broke out of her hug with Bellamy, and looked him in the eyes. Wildly, tears streamed down Octavia's face.

Bellamy responded getting close to tears himself.

Octavia turned around to see Clarke. "Clarke." Octavia said the name delicately, as she continued to cry.

Raven relived Clarke from the hug, just in time for Octavia to launch at the ground, and tackle Clarke in a big bear hug.

"Y-You're alive." Clarke shuddered, while still trying to comprehend what was going on.

"I thought you were dead." Octavia managed threw her tears. "Both of you. I thought I was all alone."

Bellamy walked over to Clarke and Octavia, and joined the two of them on his knees. He opened his arms up wide and wrapped them around the two.

The two girl giggled, slightly. The laugh was in between tears and a small chuckle.

"My two favorite girls right here." Bellamy announced as he pointed at the two of them.

Clarke and Bellamy had 1,000,000 question to ask everyone, but they didn't bother. They were just glad that the whole group was back together.

"I love you, big brother." Octavia said sweetly as a few more tears escaped her eyes.

"I love you too, O." Bellamy replied.

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