Chapter thirteen

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On the count of three everyone started charging at the grounders, with their weapons in hands. It was all so hectic it was hard to tell what was happening.

Together, Monty and Jasper accomplished killing one of Anya's weaker men. Raven and Wick were able to manage one of Anya's stronger men. Bellamy and Lincoln completely slaughtered two of Anya's most prized warriors. Clarke and Octavia went straight for Charlotte, while the others continued to fight.

When Clarke and Octavia finally reached Charlotte, Clarke pulled out her blade and brought it to the rope that kept Charlotte tied. She used her blade to cut the ropes off of Charlotte, first she cut Charlotte's feet free. Then Clarke used the blade to cut Charlotte's feet free from the rope that was binding them together, and she nearly got Charlotte's hands free before more of Anya's men arrived.

Clarke, Octavia, and Charlotte turned around and was about to join the others and fight with them. But, Octavia was surprise when she was knocked to the ground by a grounder. Octavia's face met the dirt and she screech as the grounder neared her.

"Charlotte, run!" Clarke yelled hecticly as she noticed all the grounders coming near.

Charlotte did what she was told, not out of fear, but of respect for Clarke's orders.

Clarke ran towards Octavia. Clarke used her small blade to puncture the ground are keeping Octavia to the ground. The grounder fell to the floor, next to Octavia.

Clarke stared at the dying body, in shock.

Is he died? Oh my God! Oh my God! He's dead. I killed him. I killed someone. Clarke thought.

Clarke watched as the life was drained of of the Grounder. She could see it in his eyes, they darkened as he slowly died. His skin tone went from a dark complexion to a pale look, due to the loss of blood.

Clarke looked up at Octavia, who looked more terrified than she did. Octavia's face was filled with fear, and Clarke's was filled with regret.

"Where's Charlotte? Do you have her?" Octavia's questions broke Clarke out of her thoughts.

"I told her to run." Clarke answered.

At the words with Clarke and Octavia began scanning the promoter for any sign of Charlotte. Then that's when they saw her, a small and young figure was running for the forest. It was Charlotte.

Charlotte was running much slower than her normal pace. That's the moment that Clarke realized Charlotte was injured.

Clarke and Octavia watched her, waiting for her to Cross safely into the forest. But, a grounder seem to come out of nowhere. The grounder extended his arm in the direction of Charlotte. He grasped Charlotte's forarm, and aggressively he push her into the ground.

"Charlotte!" Clarke ran over in her direction, hoping to finish off the grounder trying to capture Charlotte.

Octavia ran as fast as she could, trying to keep up with Clarke. She was only a few feet behind Clarke.

When they reached the grounder. Clarke took her small and bloody blade, and attempted to stop him. But he grabbed her arm and twisted it, then he pulled the knife out of her hand.

The grounder grabbed Octavia and unarmed her as well. Octavia screamed when the ground your kicked her to the ground.

More grounders came out of the forest, and so did Anya.

Two of Anya's men ran over to Clarke and tackled her to the ground.

Octavia screamed one last time, hoping to draw the tension of someone near her. Just praying that someone can help her and Clarke.

Both Bellamy and Lincoln were fighting off many of Anya's best men. Bellamy and Lincoln had their ears shattered by a terrified howl for help, Octavia. They turned to see the girls. Right then they both started charging their direction.

Author's Note: oh no, guys. What do you think is going to happen next?
I'll be updating soon. Hope you all enjoyed.

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