Chapter thirty

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Author's Note: What? Two chapters in one day! Yeah. I'm really board and a great idea come to yeah here it is.

Octavia come out to see everyone, she realized that Jasper was right. She couldn't do anything to bring back Bellamy or Clarke. She needed to surround herself with people that cared about her, she needed to be around people that she cared for and loved, like Lincoln.


She had treated him terribly the past couple of days. But, now Octavia realized that Lincoln was the only person left that she still loved, and she needed to spend her time with him. She needed Lincoln.


He ran so fast, and he knew that he couldn't stop. The Grounders weren't far from him, there were are least three right in back of him.

He was hungry, so he stole some food from the Grounders, big mistake. They were extremely a very, and wanted it back.

No matter what he did, he couldn't loose them. They were always right in back of him, on his tail. He kept running, with the food in his hands he was determined to keep the food. He was starving and needed to eat.

(Author's Note: don't get mad with all of the hes I jut don't want you all to know who it is, yet.)

He wasn't going to stop, he needed to survive. Just like his father told him the night of the reaping.

"Be strong. Keep going, and ever stop. I believe in you, son. I know that you I'll make it. You I'll win the games, I know that you can, but you must stay strong, Miller." His father told him.

Author's Note:

Guess who's back, back again

Miller's back, tell a friend

Guess who's back

Guess who's back

Guess who's back


Yep guys, that's right. Miller is back! Honestly, I wasn't sure if I wanted him to be alive or not, but then I had one of the best ideas, that need to happen. So yeah, I need Miller for that idea.

I hope that you all enjoy this chapter. Love you all!

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