Chapter thirty-one

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"Can we die from the virus?" Bellamy asked Charlotte.

"No. It only weakness you. Just rest, and soon you be back to normal." Charlotte told him.

Both Bellamy and Clarke nodded, relived.

"Is anyone else with you? Monty? Jasper?" Charlotte paused before adding. "Octavia?"

At the name Octavia Clarke's and Bellamy's face expressions dropped.

"Oh no." Charlotte stuttered. "Please tell me they aren't - Are they - Octavia did she - the group are they ... What happened to them? A-Are they dead?"

"We don't know." Clarke answered as she glanced over at Bellamy.

Bellamy's face grew worried at the mention of Octavia's name.

Clarke reached over and took Bellamy's hand in hers. Bellamy intertwined his fingers with Clarke's. She gave Bellamy's hand a conferring squeeze.

"I'm so sorry. I don't mean to cause any problems, or make anything worse. I-" Charlotte's apology was cut off by Clarke's voice.

"No, no, no. Your fine." Clarke assured her, while she still held Bellamy's hand.

Charlotte looked over at Bellamy. "I'm so sorry."

"Yeah...Me, too."

"Your sister, your responsibility." Bellamy's mother told him.

"She was supposed to be my responsibility." Bellamy muttered.

"Hey." Clarke shifted her position so she stood right in front of Bellamy, still holding his hand. "Don't try to blame yourself for any of this."

Bellamy continued. "But, Clarke. It's my f-"

Clarke interrupted. "It's not your fault."

Charlotte stood only a few feet from Clarke and Bellamy, watching their interactions.

Bellamy looked down at the ground, so he no longer saw Clarke's face.

"Hey." Clarke said, causing him to look back at her. "It's not your fault, none of this is your fault. Do you understand?"

Bellamy nodded.

"Okay. Good." Clarke muttered, slightly concerned for Bellamy.

Bellamy slowly relived Clarke's hand from his hold, and brought his hands to the back of her head. Slowly, he pulled her head to his. Bringing her lips to his. Bellamy kissed her, gently and lovingly. It took Clarke a second to comprehend what just happened, but when she realized, she kissed him back.

Author's Note: Want more updates? Remember to vote!

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