Chapter fifty-one

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Clarke woke up, asleep on Bellamy. She pulled away from him, and looked up at his face. His brown eyes were wide open, and when her eyes met Bellamy's, he grinned.

"Good morning, Princess." Bellamy told her with the smile still on his face.

Clarke smiled. "Good morning." Clarke leaned into Bellamy and gently pecked his lips. When she pulled away Bellamy's smile was bigger.

"Ooooo." Clarke and Bellamy turned their Hess to see who was making such a strange noise.

Bellamy had an eyebrow raised in confusion as he heard the sound, while Clarke turned bright red.

"Clarke and Bellamy sitting by a tree." It was Octavia. "K-I-S-S-I-N-G." She continued. "First comes love, then comes marriage." Octavia couldn't help but smile when she said the word 'marriage.', because Bellamy would propose to Clarke, right? "Then comes Auntie Octavia steeling your child." Octavia sang the last part of the song with an out of rhythm beat, but it was just meant to be funny. Then, to sell it off she added an evil laugh at the end of the song.

"That's not frightening at all." Bellamy said with a small smile and laugh.

"Are you guys gonna get married?" Charlotte asked out of nowhere.

Bellamy felt his whole body raise in some sort of fear.

What if Clarke found out about the proposal? What if she saw the rings? What do I say?

After no response Charlotte added. "Are you?" With a half annoyed tone.

"Uh-Who really knows what the future holds." Bellamy told Charlotte, hoping that his answer would satisfy her...but it didn't.

"You should know. You're the one that would have to propose."

Bellamy nearly chocked on air, shocked by Charlotte's sudden out burst.

"If Bellamy did propose, Clarke, what would you say?"

The subject was awkward for Bellamy, but he wanted to see what Clarke responds was.

Clarke looked over from Charlotte to Bellamy and then back at Charlotte and let out a small laugh. "Ark you kidding?"

"No. I really want to know what you would say." Charlotte answered, honestly.

"I don't know." Clarke answered.

"Normally, people would." Charlotte told her with a small, forced laugh. "What would you say?"

"I honestly don't know." Clarke answered.

Octavia could feel herself start to get worried. Clarke kept saying that she didn't know what she would do if Bellamy proposed. She knew that Bellamy had to have been getting nervous. This could go wrong.

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