Chapter thirty-four

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Miller sat down, by a tall tree covered in large green leaves. He had his knife in his hand, and just stared at the weapon that laid in the palm of his hand. His head was ponding with thoughts of fear and worry.

I'm going insane.
No your not.
Then why I'm I talking to my self?
Your talking to your subconscious.
I'm going crazy.
YES!!! I'm going insane I see things that aren't there, I hear things that aren't there. I can hardly even control my own thoughts!

Octavia and Lincoln walked around, hand in hand, in silence. With nothing but the quiet stomps of there feet made a sound.

Octavia laid her head on Lincoln's shoulder, and smiled. She felt extremely conferable.

It was a nice silence, a soft and sweet one. It was the perfect silence.

Miller heard the alarming crunch of shoes.

Your going insane your hearing noises that aren't there.
No. This is real.
This isn't real. This is just another, stupid hallucination.
No. There is a Grounder out there. The Grounder will kill you.
There's no one there.

There was a louder sound of feet snaking the ground.

There's someone out there!

"Mil-" a shocked voice came.

Without giving it any thought. Miller threw his knife in the direction of the voice, he turned around to see two familiar faces, and one of them was impaled with his knife.

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