Chapter fourty-eight

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Octavia buried her head into Clarke shoulder, hiding her tear stained face. She couldn't help, but feel that she had caused his death. He wouldn't have went walking if it want for Octavia.

Bellamy, Wick, and Miller had completely covered Lincoln's body with dirt, and had almost completed filling up the grave. Each handful was one step closer to never seeing Lincoln, again.

Everyone was silent as time passed, it was a sad silence for some, and to others it was a silence of respect, respect for Lincoln. He had done so many things for the group, and in the end it killed him.

"Hey, O?" Bellamy broke the silence and turned to face his sister.

"Yeah?" She asked as she sniffled, her nose was runny from crying.

"Do you wanna say anything?" Bellamy asked her, being careful not to say too much.

"Uh. Yeah. Yes, I do." Octavia brushed away the tears and then walked a few steps so the she stood in front of everyone.

"Um...well, where do I start?" Octavia paused. "Lincoln was a good person, he was better than I ever thought I could get. He helped us all I one way or another... and uh Before he uh he - he...passed...he could barely speak."

Everyone stood up straiter, intrigued be what Octavia was saying.

"But, he did manage to get out three simple words. 'I love you.', and ..." Octavia felt a tear roll down her face, but she continued. "...and I Um I didn't say it back." Octavia's voice cracked on the word back. "But, now... I realize that just because I didn't tell him I love him doesn't mean that he didn't know. But, it makes me wonder if he did. Did he know that I loved him? I never told him...but, I showed him. Actions speak louder than words, right? But, I wonder were my actions loud enough?"

Raven couldn't help but get teary-eyed, the thought of Finn occurring in her mind. Wick waked over and stood next to Raven. He slowly reached down, grabbing her hand.

"I hope that they were, and if they weren't...there's nothing that I can do about that. But, you guys still can. If you love someone, and you haven't told them, just tell them. They need to know, before it's too late."

Bellamy looked over from Octavia to Clarke, who was already looking at him. They just stared at each other with a loving look in their eyes.

He never told Clarke that he loved her...he wasn't even sure if he loved her, himself.

"Just tell that person you love them, before it's too late. You won't regret it."

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