Chapter twenty-five

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"What the hell?" Clarke muttered as she saw the open door. "Bellamy, look."

Bellamy pulled away from Clarke and turned to see the open door.

"What the hell?" Bellamy stated as he saw the open door.

"Do you think it's trap?" Clarke questioned, cautiously.

"I don't know what to think." Bellamy told her. "But, I know that we should make a run for it."

Clarke stood up, feeling light headed. She felt a wet substance come out of her noise. She brought her hand to get noise and when she pulled it away she saw more blood.

Bellamy looked at her with a scared and terrified expression. "You're gonna be okay. I told you I would protect you, and I will."

"You can't do anything about this." Clarke said referring to 'this' as her state condition.

Bellamy stepped closer to her. "I can and I will." Bellamy told her. "First, let's just got out of here."

Clarke nodded.

Bellamy and Clarke swiftly and finally made their way towards the open bamboo door. They slowly walked through it to find themselves in some strange hallway.

The hallway had many torches, that lit a pathway, to where they hoped to be a safe place.

The walls were made of stone, Bellamy and Clarke were very positive that they were underground, in some sort of grounder prison. It made sense.

Clarke and Bellamy started running, following the line of touches on the wall.

Clarke felt like she was gonna collapse at any second, but she kept pushing herself to run. She knew that Bellamy wasn't going to leave her, and if she collapsed, he would stay with her. She knew that she needed to keep running.

"Clarke," Bellamy point at a small opening between the rocks.

Clarke looked over at it, how could they fit threw that?

Bellamy walked over placing his hand on a medium sized rock, and used his strength to take it out of it's place, sending into the ground. Once again, Bellamy pulled out another rock. When this rock it the ground it split open on top of a different rock. Clarke walked over and copied him.

She still felt terrible, but she knew that they had to get out.

Finally, the opening was big enough for them to get out.

"Ladies first." Bellamy told her.

"Ha. Thanks." Clarke laughed, but quickly stopped laughing when she got a sick feeling in her stomach.

"Clarke?" Bellamy asked nervously.

"I - I'm going." Clarke told him. She turned around and started to squeeze into their built escape.

As Clarke climbed into the whole, she had her back turned to Bellamy. Bellamy was about to climb into the hole, when he felt a strange liquid come from his noise. He brought his hand to it, and when he pulled it away he had blood coming from his noise.

Bellamy wiped the blood away with the sleeve of his shirt. He checked to make sure that Clarke didn't see. He knew that Clarke didn't see him, and He slowly climbed into the exit, after Clarke.

Author's Note: I just started 'The Walking Dead ' and it's really good.

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