Chapter nine

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Before Clarke, Bellamy, and the others could do anything, Anya ordered her men to get Charlotte and harm whoever got in the way.

When the men went for Charlotte everything went a little crazy.

The man with the blue paint on his face stepped forward attempting to grab Charlotte, but he misses her from her grasp when she steeped back.

Then he want to grab her again, but this time more aggressive. He grabbed Charlotte. He held her lightly around her arm, making it hard for her to escape.

At that moment, Bellamy stepped forward and threw a punch, witch hit Anya's man square in the face, but still Anya's man held onto Charlotte.

Two more if Anya's men stepped in and wrestled Bellamy yo the ground. The two men repeatedly kicked Bellamy.

"No!" Clarke cried. "Stop it!"

They guards continued to beat him.

Clarke ran forward and jumped onto on of the men's backs. The man tried to shake her off, but she held on tightly. Clarke brought he hands to the man's throat. She squeezed his neek tightly. The man made no noise, all he did was struggled.

Another on of Anya's men came up in back of her. He grabbed Clarke and tried to pull her off of the man's back, but Clarke held on tightly. But, she wasn't strong enought to hold on for long.

Clarke was lulled off the man. The man feel to the ground, gaspung for air.

One of Anya'd men punched Clarke, witch sent her to the ground. He man was about to give her another beeting, but there was an interruption.

"That's enough!" Anya told them.

After that everything fell silent.

"We have the girl. There's no need to continue fighting." Anya showed mercy.

Author's note: I have to say I liked Anya in the show, do I had to make a kinda likeable in the book.

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