Chapter fourty-three

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Author's Note: Hey guys. I'm still up at the beach, and I don't get out of here until Friday. It's been really hard writing because I'm up here with my dad's whole side of the family. So I stayed up extra late to write this chapter. I tried to make it a bit longer for a bit of a treat. Thanks guys. Love you all.

Charlotte stuck next to Raven's side. The group wouldn't allow Charlotte to search for Bellamy and Clarke alone, so she went with Raven.

"Charlotte," Raven began. "Do you know around how long ago Clarke and Bellamy left?"

"I think ...Well, It was around then minutes ago maybe even less. They didn't leave too long ago." Charlotte answered, but she was a little unsure.

Raven sighed, as she looked around. "Then they couldn't have gone far."

Octavia continued to yell and holler for Bellamy and Clarke, she was becoming frustrated and fearful as time went on.

She couldn't stop thinking about see them, Bellamy and Clarke. She craved to see their faces. She needed to talk to them. She desperately wanted to pull them into a hug and never let go.

They were alive, and she didn't know it...until now.

"Bellamy! Clarke!" No response came. "It's Octavia!" Still there was nothing.

Clarke and Bellamy got locked in each other's eyes before they turned to walk back to Charlotte.

Slowly, Bellamy wrapped his arm around the small of Clarke's back. He slopped down so his face was level with Clarke.

Clarke slipped her hands to Bellamy neck, as she leaned into him.

Bellamy and Clarke stopped right before their lips meet to take one last look in each other's eyes. Clarke's bright blue eyes looked into Bellamy's dark, chocolate brown ones. Both of their eyes flickered shut, and then their lips to meet. Their lips moved together slowly and sweetly.

Clarke ran her hands up from Bellamy's neck to his hair. She tangled her finger in his dark, brown hair as she continued to kiss him.

Bellamy ran his hands up and down her back. He kept one hand stroking her back, and moved the other up to her blonde hair.

"Bellamy! Clarke! Guys, where are you?!" Raven yelled as she looked around.

"It's Charlotte!" Charlotte hollered, and then added. "I'm with Raven, and...and Octavia, she's alive."

They got no response, only silence.

"How far could they have gone." Wick grunted.

"I don't understand. How irresponsible are they to leave that little girl all alone on the woods, with Grounders?" Miller complained with an angry voice.

"Is it possible that the Grounders got them?" Wick wondered aloud.

"I don't know." Miller paused. "We should be heading back. Maybe the others found him."

"Do you really believe that?" Wick asked him, partly annoyed.

Miller didn't answer. "Let's just go back to the spot. They might be waiting for us."

Monty and Jasper walked back in silence.

"I hope that someone found Clarke and Bellamy." Monty scratched the back of his head as he said this.

"Octavia. She's not gonna come back until she finds them, or until she know that someone found them." Jasper knew.

Jasper and Monty stepped over a large tree root.

"She's gonna have to come back." Monty shrugged.

"But, will she?" Jasper asked, nearly tripping over an over-sized rock.

Monty stopped in his tracks. "I hope, but" Monty took a long paused. "I-I doubt it."

Raven and Charlotte made their way back, they had been silent for a while. There was nothing to say.

They were walking back to the meeting spot, witch was Lincoln's body.

Wick and Miller emerged from in back of Charlotte and Raven, going unnoticed.

Wick began to speak. "Did y-"

"Aaahhhh." Charlotte screened as she hopped up.

Raven jumped as Charlotte yelled. Miller stumbled backwards, but caught him self before he fell. Wick threw his hands over his ear as he heard her yell.

Charlotte stopped yelling and turned bright red. "Oh my God. I'm so sorry." She apologized. "Y-You guys scared me."

Charlotte scream bursted threw the forest and seemed to eco in the ears of Clarke and Bellamy.

Clarke and Bellamy jolted out of the kiss, alarmed by Charlotte's scream.

"Charlotte!" Bellamy yelled as Clarke and Bellamy began to run in the direction of the scream.

"Charlotte!" Clarke screamed.

"Oh my God. Did you hear that?" Monty asked with a scared tone.

"That was Charlotte." Jasper burst out.

"Hurry!" Monty yelled at Jasper as he started to run in the direction of the scream.

Octavia bolted in the direction that she heard the scream. She ran as fast as she possibly could. Her light brown hair wildly flopping around.

Jasper and Monty arrived to see Charlotte, Raven, Wick, and Miller calming having a conversation.

"What happened?" Jasper asked.

"We heard yelling." Monty added.

Octavia appeared, of what seemed like, nowhere.

"Are you guys okay?!" She bursted out.

"Charlotte!" Bellamy yelled.

Bellamy reached out for Clarke's hand, and intertwined their fingers as they both continued to run.


Author's Note: Reunion coming soon guys. 😆 I can't wait.

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