Leafpool: HeLLo mY pREtTiEs. i aM LeAFpoOl, bUT noW I hAVe a CLeaVer aNd aM CLEAVEPOOL!
I am here to correct...correct all...CORRECT! CORRECT! CORRRRRRRReCt!
All petty, cliche, bad fanfics...say goodnight...CLEAVEPOOL'S HoMe!!!!
*wields cleaver*
Cloudtail: Save the cookies!! *runs*
Cleavepool: ClEavE aTtaCk!! gO! gOoDNiGHt cLoUdTAiL, YOu wERe sO CliChE...
Bumblestripe: Ready the duck cannons! *puts on bee suit* Imma sting you!!!!!!! *waddles over to Cleavepool and sits on her*
Cleavepool: I've been stung! *writhes* SUBMISSSIIIOOnnN
How to Get Kicked Out Of All The Clans
Random.:: VOTED BEST LAUGH IN @WARRIORSWATTYAWARDS ::. In a magical land around a lake, there are four clans of insane cats who probably need to go to a mental hospital. Here's a book about their adventures and psycho-ness. There's pizza, hotdogs, mouse d...