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I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing. I groaned and struggled to reach for my phone, as my eyes remained shut.

I heard a familiar knock as I saw my brother Mikey peak his head in my room."C'mon sleeping beauty, wake up."

I turn over. "Kill yourself, please."

He laughs. "How dare you?" He puts a hand up to his chest and fake gasps as I roll over and laugh.

He's like my best friend, my twin.

Our parents say we're the same person, just opposite gender. I literally tell him everything, he tells me everything.

"Stop checking your phone, forget him." He rolls his eyes.

Me and my situationship, Jack got into an argument the night before last because he's just a liar, and we haven't talked since yesterday morning.

Mikey has been telling me not to worry about it, and just leave it be. He takes my phone and puts it in the pocket of his shorts.

"Now c'mon Mariah Williams, get ready cause we gotta catch our flight." He throws a stuffed animal at me.

I sit up and rub my head. "Fine, but I need my phone to listen to music when I get ready."


"Mariah! C'mon now we don't got all day!" Mikey yells from the front door.

I rush down the stairs with all of my things and I make sure I have everything that I need.

I go into the kitchen and get a couple of snacks for the flight, and all of my chargers for my devices.

"I'm coming geez." I groan as I put my things in the car.

"Well you aren't moving fast enough. If we miss this flight, I'm blaming you. We're supposed to meet Melo at the airport in LA."

He starts the car and pulls out the driveway after I get in.

"Also, I told mom and pops we were staying with my guys there in LA and they said we could."

I furrow my brow at him. "What 'guys' Mikey? I'm not finna stay with no strangers."

He stops the car at the red light and drums his fingers on his leg. "Remember LiAngleo, Lonzo, and LaMelo?"

I slightly smile when I hear LaMelo's name. "Oh yeah, Melo. I miss them lowkey, they were fun to hang around."

Mikey shakes his head. "Of course you remember now." I laugh a little.

"Didn't he just get drafted to the NBA a few months ago? Aren't all 3 of them in the NBA?"

He nods. "LaMelo and Lonzo are and Gelo is in the G League."

"You wanna go to the G League right?" I tilt my head.

He looks down at his phone and sighs. "Yeah, I got into the Drew League last week though. That's another reason why we're moving."

YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now