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"You see those two starts that look further away from the rest, yet they're close?" Melo asks without even looking up at the sky.

I search the sky above until I saw what he was talking about.

He was right, they were far from the others, but together.

"Mhm." I hum.

"Every night whenever I'm outside, I always seem to see them. They remind me of us, we're away from everyone, but in our own world."

His voice had admiration in it.

I sit up and look at him, I couldn't help but smile. "I love you."

Both him and I were surprised by what I said, but I kept going.

"Believe it or not, I'm still in love with you. I feel like it's impossible for me to stop doing. All this time I've tried convincing myself I was over us, but really I still thought about you 24/7."

"I'm kinda scared that one day we actually might not find our way back to each other again if we break up again."

"And I've changed a lot since we broke up, and I don't know how you'll adjust to that. But please don't think you've let me down ever, because I'll always love you."

I search his eyes, trying to read him and what he's thinking.

"Let's go home ma." He gets up and I get up.

I grab my shoes and walk down the hill without even waiting for him.


"Ma, come here." I say as we step inside Mariah's apartment.

She puts her things down and walks to where I'm standing. I take her hands in mine.

"I love you, and it scares me half of the time. I genuinely don't even know what's happening, but ma.. tell me I'm not the only one that feels like this."

It was silent and she looked everywhere else but at me.

I tilted her chin up and looked at her. "I wanna be everything you need."

I moved my hands down to her waist.

"I want every part of you with every single string attached. I want us to stay connected physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually."

"I want to show you that you'll never lose me again, and that I'll love you forever."

The touch and eye contact was very intense at this point.

All the weight that I've been holding onto lets me go as her lips touch mine.

I pull her closer, although it isn't enough.

I really should've been expressing my love for her and how I've changed since February, but the kiss said it all and more.

All of this was so intense and so perfect, I wish I could replay this over and over.

YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now