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I turn my head when I hear the door open to the physical therapy room.

I look to see Mariah and her bodyguards with some food.

I sit up slowly and put my leg over the edge of the examination table before swinging the other one off slowly.

"What happened Dip?" Mariah sets her purse down on the desk across from where I was sitting.

She hands me the bag of Chick-Fil-a.

I shrug and look down at the wrap around my ankle as I take the nuggets out of the bag.

"Don't know. I was dribbling and tryna do some handles, it rolled."

I could tell my mind was shutting down, and I'm going back into that headspace where I want to be alone and isolated.

I knew it was unfair to Mariah and our child, but every time I get injured I just don't know what to do with myself.

Being used to playing basketball most of the time, when I can't play it leaves empty spaces in my mind and I tend to feel lost.

I know it isn't the end of the world, I still have Mariah, Leo, and the rest of my family and friends.

But basketball is also a major part of my life as well.

"No. No you're not shutting down LaMelo. You're still alive, still breathing, with one less limb working."

"And as long as you're still breathing you have a responsibility as a father, a boyfriend, a son, a brother, and teammate and friend."

"Your ankle will heal, you will get through it. I understand basketball is major for you I get it. But you can't keep pushing people away for something we all had no control over. It just happened."

It was like Mariah was reading my thoughts, and she was cussing me out for them. I

know she's right, but my natural reaction is to shut down. It's what I'm used to.

"Okay mamas." I look up at her and do my best to give her a smile.

I take Leo out of her arms and kiss his cheek before sitting him down on my lap.

I eat in silence while playing with Leo, while Mariah is outside to take a phone call.

"Well buddy, daddy's gotta get it together, I'm trippin' right now." I look down at Leo and laugh.


"Knock knock." I hear Mariah from outside of the bedroom door.

I open my eyes and turn over. "Come in."

The door creaks open and she peaks her head in with a little smile.

"Made you your favorite, chicken and rice soup. I didn't have any celery this time so there's carrots in it instead."

Mariah walks towards the bed with a tray and a bowl of steaming soup on it.

YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now