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"You always gettin' into somethin' bro." Gelo shakes his head.

I roll my eyes and shove my knuckle into the cooler of ice.

"Why you punch the nigga in the first place?" Zo sits down beside Ally and Gelo.

"He's using Mariah. He was saying how I could get in the way of him 'just doing somethin 'cause he's bored' and how 'everyone just needs some good sex every now and then'."

"He don't give a shit about her and she can't see that." I start getting mad all over again just thinking about it.

Mikey frowns and looks up from his phone. "Oh hell nah, he ain't finna do that to my sister. Melo let her ass know, before I let him know somethin'."

I stare at my phone not knowing what to do.

"Call her dumbass!" Zo laughed and I shook my head.

"What if she thinks I'm being jealous?"

Mikey shrugs and Zo and Gelo laugh.

"You are, but you still need to call her. She deserves to know the truth." Ally says.

I nod and find Mariah's contact. Seeing the "❤️" makes me realize I never changed it.

I sigh before I press "call" and wait for her to pick up.

"Hello?" Her angelic voice fills my ears and I smile.

"Hey mamas. I wanna talk to you about something, and I apologize for earlier." I could hear her sigh on the other end of the call.

"Fine, and don't call me that." I could practically hear it in her voice that she was smiling.

"Alright I'm sorry. But I wanna apologize for punching ol' dude. He was being outta pocket though, which is what I wanted to talk to you about."

I heard movement, and then a door closing. She finally said something. "Jesus, go ahead."

I sigh and pause before speaking. "He asked if I still had feelings for you, I told him no but I was hesitant. So then he was saying. how I would be in the way of something 'just 'cause he's bored' and how 'everyone needs some good sex every now and then'."

"Then he told me not to 'cockblock', so I cocked my fist back and punched the shit outta his ass." I was gonna say something else but she beat me to it.

"Wow.. okay. Thank you for telling me this, and for punching him, I guess. I'll just uh.. I'm on the way to your house."

Before I can respond she hangs up.

I jump up and start smiling hella hard. "Ya boy is gettin' his girl back!"

I grab my keys and do a little dance at the door.

"I'll talk to y'all tomorrow." I say before dancing my way out the door and shutting it behind me.


"I'm sorry, I got here as fast as I could. Traffic was really bad." I walk up to Mariah, who was sitting on my porch.

She stands up as I unlock the door. "It's fine. Thanks for letting me come over."

YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now