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I give Ally a glass of water, she mumbles "thank you" and sniffles.

"Is it even true?" Mariah thinks out loud.

"It literally cannot be bro. He wouldn't cheat on her." Gelo sighs.

Lonzo comes in the house a few minutes later and sets his keys down on the counter. "So are y'all gonna tell me why she's upset now, or what? You left the party early Ally we were worried about you."

"Guys it's fine I don't wanna talk about it" Ally says and we all look at her like she's crazy.

"Nah you have to address that with him." I shake my head.

"Just drop it. I'm fine. It's fine. I don't wanna do anything about it, nor talk about it." She snaps.

I go into the kitchen to get a pack of cookies out of the pantry, and head upstairs for the night.

I was definitely not dealing with this tonight, I'm too tired.

I open my door, and Mariah is laying on the bed. She sits up when she sees me.

"I'm sorry I just wanna sleep with you tonight, I don't really wanna be alone. But if you don't want me to stay in here tonight, I don't have to." She gets up and grabs her shoes.

I pull her back in the room and lock the door.

Mariah grabs my face and kisses me. I kiss her back and push her on the bed. She takes my shirt off and I take off hers. I start to kiss her neck as she unbuttons my jeans.

"Wait, no, we can't do this." I get off of her and put my shirt back on.

"I don't wanna do this when you have a boyfriend. And you just got here not too long ago." I look at her and she nods.

Hopefully things aren't awkward as hell after this.

I go to the bathroom and change into some shorts and take off my shirt. I find a shirt for her to wear, since she likes wearing mine around the house.

"Put this on." I toss Mariah the shirt and she sits up and starts to take her bodysuit off.

"Turn around, and don't try to peak." I could tell she was smiling from the tone of her voice.

"Just don't take too long, I wanna lay down." I laugh and turn back around after a moment to face her.

"I didn't say I was done, but I am so you can come to bed now." She lays back down.

I slip in the covers beside her and turn the opposite way. "Goodnight Riah."

"Goodnight Melo." She mumbled.

And with that I dozed off.


I wake up to my alarm, and the sound of somebody throwing up.

I check my phone and it was 8:30 in the mornin'. I go into the bathroom and see Mariah throwing up in the toilet.

YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now