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"Okay bug, let's go before we're late to your own dinner." I grunt as I pick Leo up and grab his baby bag.

I sling the bag over my shoulder and cut the lights off in the nursery before closing the door behind me.

As I pass by the full body mirror in the hallway, I stop and smooth out my blue bell bottoms.

I was wearing a gray crop top and my gray Ugg slippers to match, even though it was May.

I've been feeling a little insecure about my body since I had Leo, but today I feel oddly confident somewhat.

I grab my purse and my keys and head out, making sure to lock the front door behind me.

I walk down the driveway to the car and open the door, putting Leo in the car seat.

I buckle him in before closing the door and walking around the other side to get in.


"I can't believe he's 4 months old now!" Noni, Melo's grandma, says as we're all eating at the table.

I smile and nod. "I know, time flies too fast."

Leo coos and leans back onto my chest, meaning he's getting sleepy.

I lay him in my arms and pat his back gently.

"It sucks that Melo isn't here though." Zo says and I nod in agreement before eating a forkful of asparagus.

"Yeah it does suck. Speaking of the game, it's gonna start in 7 minutes. I'm gonna call him."

I pull my phone out of my purse and wait for him to answer the FaceTime.

"I was wonderin' when y'all were gonna call." Melo smiles.

I laugh and shake my head. "We totally forgot about you, sorry." I say sarcastically.

Melo laughs and fakes as if he was sad. "Wow, okay."

He starts sniffling, making Leo sit up and try to grab the phone.

"Daddy's just faking, he's not sad bug." I look down at Leo, who was still reaching for the phone.

"I really miss you guys, I wish I could be there to celebrate too. But we'll do somethin' fun for the weekend, just us three."

I nod and smile. Getting away from everything for a while would be nice.

Being new parents has been stressful for me and Melo, Leo is a handful at times.

"Well, I have to go now guys. I love y'all sooo much, and I'll call during halftime." Melo gets up and starts walking somewhere.

I nod and make Leo wave to Melo in the camera. "Good luck Dip, we love you too."

I kiss the camera and Melo does the same before hanging up.

YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now