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It's been a couple of weeks since Melo hurt his ankle, actually almost a month now.

He's been getting better day by day.

I'm starting to be in the studio more and more again, I missed singing and making music a lot.

Leo is getting bigger and bigger each day, and I'm starting to feel old because of it honestly.

He's 6 months old now.

"Mamas!" Melo shouts from downstairs.

I sit my curling iron down on the counter and go downstairs to see what he wants.

"Yes Dip?" I come into the living room to see Leo kicking and whining while Melo is trying to change his diaper.

I pick Leo up and he instantly stops whining.

I lay him back down on the couch, and finish changing him.

"Why were you fighting daddy, huh? You love your daddy."

I kiss Leo's cheek and Melo sighs and gets up to throw the diaper away.

"He's getting more stubborn and hard to deal with day by day." He sighs.

I look at Melo and laugh. "Very ironic, he gets it from you."

Melo rolls his eyes and washes his hands in the bathroom sink. "No, he definitely gets that from his mother."

I pick Leo up and he lays his head on my shoulder.

"Sadly bug you can't sleep, because you have to go to Uncle Gelo's house for the night." I kiss Leo's cheek before handing him to Melo.

"I'm gonna finish getting ready, no fighting you two." I say as I head back upstairs to the bedroom.


"Are you sure he's gonna be safe with you here?" I fold my arms over my chest and look at Gelo.

Gelo takes Leo from Melo and laughs. "Yes Mariah, he is in good hands with uncle Gelo. Ain't that right neph?"

Leo coos at Gelo with a smile, I guess he'll be fine.

"You two have fun now, bye bye." Gelo waves at us before closing the front door in our faces.

Melo and I look at each other. "I know he didn't."

Melo shakes his head and laughs. "He definitely did mamas. C'mon let's go."

He hobbles down the couple of steps before me, wincing slightly.

"Hey, if you wanna stay in tonight I can cancel our dinner reservation. Just because you're on a boot now doesn't mean you have to walk my love."

I help him get into the passenger's seat and close his door for him, before walking around the front of the car and getting in on the other side.

"Yeah that sounds like a good plan. Movie night?" Melo looks over at me and I nod.


YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now