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Me, Zo, Gelo, and Mikey are all chilling in Zo's living room, just playing the game and talking.

Someone's phone starts ringing and we all check our phones to see if it was one of the girls calling.

"Oh it's Ally, they're probably on the way back now then." Zo says before pauses the game and answers the phone.

I go back to playing with Leo in my arms and tickling his stomach.

"Huh? Wait wait.. baby slow down. What happened?" Zo sits up straight in his chair and we all look at him.

"Okay okay.. just tell Riah to do her best to defuse the situation. We're on the way." He sighs before hanging up.

I sit up when I hear Mariah's nickname. "Everything good? What happened?" I ask and Zo grabs his keys before slipping his slides on.

"Evoni and Nikki.. Ally's crying and I can tell she's gonna have a panic attack. If y'all wanna ride y'all can, but I gotta get down there to the shop."

He didn't even wait for any of us to respond, he just walked out.

"Y'all can go, I'll stay here with Leo until y'all get back." Mikey offers and I nod and me and Gelo get up. Mikey rarely gets involved in things anyway so I figured he would wanna stay.

"Thanks bro. We'll be back soon. Hopefully." I dap Mikey up and kiss Leo, who was now sleeping, on the cheek before me and Gelo walk out.


When we walk in the shop, a short asian lady is sitting at the counter with her head in her hands.

She looks up when we walk in. "They're in the back. They've calmed down. The bride is really really upset, I feel bad for the girl." She said.

I could tell Zo was upset by the look on his face. He rushes to the back of the shop and we look in the dressing rooms for the girls.

Mariah and Ally were in the biggest room, sitting on the bench by the wall.

Zo gets down on his knees and hugs Ally. "Baby I'm so sorry I wasn't here. Fuck I'm so sorry." He kisses her face over and over.

I look at Mariah and she did her best to smile at me. She gets up and we both walk out to give them privacy.

I pull her into my arms and I feel her body relax in my arms. "I tried my best Dip. I tried to stop it and they wouldn't listen. I ruined it." Her voice cracked.

I hold her tighter and kiss the top of her head. "Baby, them fighting was not your fault at all. You did your best to prevent it so that Ally could be happy still. This isn't your fault, so stop blaming yourself please."

We stand there in each other's arms for a while before Zo comes out of the room by himself. "She said she might call off the wedding bro."

He sighs and Mariah frowns. "No no no. See this is my fault I could've fucking stopped it and I didn't. Now she doesn't even wanna get married anymore! I'm just- I have to leave."

Mariah pulls away from me and walks away. I instinctively run after her "Ma! Do not go anywhere at this time of night!"

I run out of the shop and I look to my left and right and she wasn't around. "Fuck!" I put my head and in my hands and sigh.

YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now