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"She might be what?" I say a little too loud as Mariah gives me a hug, and then I sit on the kitchen counter.

Mikey shushes me and I throw my hands up and shrug.

Mariah sighs and goes upstairs. Mikey looks back at her, and then turns back to me.

"She seems upset." I say and he shrugs.

"I don't know what to do bro." He falls back on the couch.

"She take the test?" I pass him a bottle of water.

He catches it and and shrugs. "Nah she didn't."

"Congrats you knock up my best friend. Who's next, Evoni?" Mariah comes back downstairs with dishes from my room and washes them.

"Riah, don't start please." Mikey sighs and sits down to watch tv.

"If you wanna be an irresponsible person and not use protection, and then get upset when the consequences come, then go ahead. I'm not looking out for you anymore." Mariah puts the dishes on the drying rack and walks back upstairs.

"I'll talk to her bro." I walk upstairs and open my room door.

She's sitting on the bed eating chips. "Why are you always in my room?" I laugh and sit down beside her.

She shrugs. "I like it."

I smile. "You okay?"

Mariah shakes her head. "I just don't want the both of them to ruin their lives. We're all young. We're just now starting to experience the real world and shit."

"Then can't take care of a child when we're still children ourselves y'know? I'm worried for them."

"Mikey has the Drew League, he's not gonna be home he's gonna be playing a lot. And Bri, she has her new makeup job, she's already busy. We're all busy now."

"I know I know." I rub her back. She sighed and rested her chin on her hand.

"I'll be downstairs if you need anything." I get up and kiss her on the forehead.

Mikey is pacing around the kitchen when I come downstairs. "Yo Mikey, chill out man everything's gonna be fine."

He looks at me like I just said the most unusual thing ever. "Fine? Ain't nothing gonna be fine bro. I'm not ready to be a dad, I got the Drew League, I'm not even gonna be home to help her with the baby."

I shake my head and grab my keys. I pat him on the back reassuringly.

"Riah, let's go." I make sure to refill Dip's food and water bowl and Mikey wasn't in the kitchen anymore by the time I was done.

"Where are we going?" Mariah rushes down the stairs fixing her hair.

"For a drive. Let's just clear our heads, c'mon." I grab her by the hand and lead her to the car.

I open her door and she opens mine from the inside.

"You okay?" I rest my right hand on her thigh and steer with my left hand.

YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now