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I wake up to someone tapping me, which is lowkey irritating me.

"B wake up, go shower. Y'all finna leave for the game in a bit." I wake up to see Gelo already dressed, his duffel bag sitting by the door.

"Nooooo whyyyyy." I turn over.

"C'mon, and hurry. No one can know you were in here." He says warningly.

I sit up and my eyes grew wide.

I check my phone, and I had a lot of unread texts from Melo.

I sigh and get up and I went to go pee and shower.


"Hey, we're leaving guys!" Ally shouts as me, Bri, and her head out the front door.

"Okay see y'all there!" Lonzo shouts back.

We close the door behind us and get in the car. I finally read the texts Melo sent on the way to the game.

Yesterday 10:30 p.m.

Go be with him since you wanna flirt all the time.
Tired of your bs Mariah.
Don't bother even tryin' with me.

1:55 a.m.

Shit.. Riah I'm so sorry...
I was drunk I didn't mean any of that.
Are you mad at me?
I'm sorry ma I wouldn't hurt you like that.
Forgive me?
I love you, and yes I LOVE you. I'll see you at the game.

read at 2:00 p.m.

I shook my head and just put my phone down. I motioned for Ally to turn down the music.

I'm gonna tell them about what happened with Gelo last night.

"What's up?" Ally looked at me in the rear view mirror.

"Y'all Gelo and I did something last night, but let me explain." I interrupt them quickly before they answer.

Both of them looked at me, very shocked.

Bri shrugged. "Not surprised."

Ally slaps her arm. "Bri!" I sigh and explain.

"Melo was upset 'cause he thought Gelo and I were flirting when we weren't, so he was drinking before he got in the shower."

"When he was done, he was being very mean to me and he was yelling at me. He told me to get out so I did."

"So I was crying in the hallway, and Gelo told me to come in his room and explain what happened."

"He comforted me, and I don't know what happened, but it was a 'in the moment' situation. So then we start making out, and then I fell asleep. And now we're here today."

By the time I was done they were both speechless. We all looked at each other and started laughing.

"Y'all it's not even funny, I don't know what to do." I show them the texts Melo sent this morning and Bri shakes her head.

YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now