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"Shit." I mumble as I finish on her back. I clean the both of us up and go in the bathroom to start up the shower.

"Am I staying tonight?" Izzy sits on the edge of the bed. "No. I'll call you the next time I want you." I say before closing the bathroom door.

I sigh and take off my chain and watch before getting in the shower. It's really just the same thing everyday now.

Basketball, sex, eat, sleep, repeat. It ain't the best way to deal with the situation but it'll work for now.

I lost my girl, possibly my best friend, and the gang ain't tight no more. Y'all go see how everybody else's dealing with this though, let me shower in peace.


I anxiously shook my leg as we pulled into the driveway of the Ball Estate.

Melo rests his right hand on my thigh as he parks the car.

"Calm down ma, it'll be okay. Ally said to just act normal, so what could go wrong?" He smiles and I sigh.

Yeah, what could go wrong? We both get out of the car and walk to the doorstep hand in hand.

He squeezed my hand before ringing the doorbell. A few seconds later Gelo opened the door.

He dapped Melo up, and before he could even say anything to me I walked to the dining room.

I wanted this to be over as soon as possible. "Babygirl! What's up?" Lavar pulls me into a tight hug while yelling, like he always does.

"Not a lot sir. Hi Ms. Tina." I say while hugging her.

"Hi hun." She smiles and sits back down. I walk to the other side of the table and give Zo and Ally hugs.

"You okay sis?" Zo pulls me back with a knowing look as I try to go sit down.

I nod and fake a smile and he nods, but I knew that he knew I was lying.

I go make my plate of food in the kitchen and sit back down after.

I pour myself a glass of water and wait until everyone else gets settled at the table.

Gelo plops down in his usual spot next to me, and Melo was on my left side.

Evoni was next to Gelo, Ally and Zo were across from us, and Lavar and Tina were on the ends of the table.

We all start eating, and for the most part there's little conversation happening.

Evoni broke the silence by clearing her throat. "Gelo pass the steak sauce please."

Tina hands it to Melo, who hands it to me, I awkwardly hand it to Gelo, and he hands it to Evoni.

Lavar huffs and puts his fork down.

"What's wrong with y'all? You all seem so disconnected. And I want the truth, no sugar coating." He looks at everyone waiting for an answer.

YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now