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I held Mariah's hand as we walked on the sidewalk.

"Miami is so nice." She says as she shades her eyes from the sun.

"Hot as hell too." I push my shades up on the bridge of my nose.

"Well who was the man that suggested we walk to the beach instead of renting a car or getting an Uber? LaMelo LaFrance Ball." She rolls her eyes.

"Chill out on my full government name girl, I got people lookin' for me." I smile and she shakes her head.

I pull her into my side and kiss her forehead.


I sigh as I walk down the hall and answer the door.

"Greetings!" Mikey stands at my front door with a bag of chips in his hand.

I stand there confused as to why he was here before stepping aside to let him in.

"Thanks." I say as he hands me the chips and we walk into my kitchen.

He sits down at the counter and I find a bowl to put my chips in.

"So what brings you here? You're the last person I would've expected to see."

I stand on the other side of the counter and he shrugs. "Well I'm back in town for a while since we have a by-week, but for like, basketball."

"I've visited everyone, besides my sister 'cause she's in Miami with Melo. But geez, what in the hell happened? I thought we were all tight."

He chuckled and I shake my head. "Mariah's pissed at me, so is Melo. Gelo is just.. a liar, and Zo and Ally are just in the middle of it all."

Mikey rests his chin on his hands. "So what even happened?"

"Well, it's been a couple of months since everyone has seen Mariah. So when she does come back, things are good between us at first."

"But I guess when Gelo was messing with Izzy while he was messing with me again, Izzy stabbed him or whatever, and he called Mariah and Zo to help. I didn't know anything about it."

"I got upset and then it turned into one of those big arguments. Mariah and Melo walked out, and Gelo went to his room. I left, and I haven't talked to anyone since then."

After I was done explaining, Mikey's eyes were just wide and he shook his head.

"I know how my sister is about staying out of everyone's business, but she could've at least told you he was messin' with another girl."

"Like I hear her side mostly, 'cause we talk everyday and she's my sister of course, but sometimes I feel like it's not always your fault type shit."

He explains and I nod in agreement.

"Right. I just wanna be understood by them for once, 'cause I don't be trippin'."

YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now