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"Gelo where in the hell are we going, and don't be dragging me like this." I stumble behind him as he pulls me into the hallway.

I snatched my hand away from him and stand on the wall. He stands across from me.

We stand there in silence until he walks closer.

"Mariah I'm sorry, but I can't help how I feel about you. You don't get it, I love you." I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

It sent chills down my spine and I tried to back up, but forgot I was against the wall. Shit. Dumbass.

"Gelo we've already been through this. I don't wanna be with you, I'm with your brother."

"I respect your feelings of course, but we can't be anything more. I love you and I care about you I do but-"

I was cut off by Gelo starting to kiss on my neck. His hands were now gripped firmly on my waist, making it hard for me to push him away.

Once he hit my sweet spot I pursed my lips together, fighting the moans that were trying to get out. "Gelo what the hell, chill out!"

I yell at him in a hushed tone and start to push him.

He stumbles back and leans back against the wall.
"That was my bad. But c'mon Mariah, the more I see you the more it hurts."

I look at the floor. My eyes were burning and my vision was getting blurry.

I turned my head to see Melo jogging towards us. He pushes Gelo away from me and grabs him by his shirt.

"G what the hell is you doin' man? That's my girl that ain't cool!" He yells.

"She told you she didn't want anything further than a friendship with you, and you continued to kiss all up on her!"

"I should kill you right now G, but I don't even know what to say to you bro."

"If you really cared about her, you would've listened when she told you the first time. You grabbing all on her, hurting her bro."

I see Lonzo and Mikey running down the hall and they break up Melo and Gelo.

"Yoo yoo what's goin' on? What's all the yellin' for?" Lonzo holds Melo back and he looks over at me.

I fidget with the ring on my finger and look down. I was honestly scared for my life.

Gelo was never that kind of person. I don't even know what got into him.

"Nah this nigga kissing all up on her and hurting her when she told him to stop! Multiple times!" Melo starts turning red and he's pacing back and forth.

Gelo was just standing on the wall, silent, out of it.

"Yo, G, wake the fuck up man. What's wrong with you bro? Why would you do that to my sister?" Mikey snaps in his face and Gelo shakes his head.

"Man, ima just go bro." He pushes past Mikey and walks away.

Evoni and Ally come as he's leaving, and they both pull me into a hug when they see me.

YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now