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I woke up in a random bedroom, and I sat up in the bed.

I look around the room, trying to make sense of my surroundings.

The bedroom was huge, it was like 2 bedrooms put together.

I look over on the nightstand and Melo's jewelry was sitting on it, so I guessed that it's Melo's room.

I check my phone to see what time it is, and get up to find some comfortable clothes to put on so I could go downstairs.

I rummage through his closet looking for a shirt and some boxers I could wear.

I hear the door open, and I quickly get out of the closet.

"What are you doing?" Melo peaks his head in the room and laughs.

"Nothing." I shrug and sit back down on the bed. "How did I even get upstairs anyway?" I rub my eyes.

"We both fell asleep, and I woke back up and brought you up here. Don't worry, we didn't do anything, I slept on the couch downstairs." He laughs.

"Also, if you need clothes you can get them out the closet, I don't mind Riah." He gestures towards the shirt I was hiding behind my back.

I smile and go to the bathroom to shower and get ready.

His shower was so warm and nice, that was the best shower I've ever had.

After I finish showering and changing, I do my makeup and head downstairs.

Everyone was down here socializing and stuff.

Melo and Gelo are playing 2k, Mikey and Lonzo are playing pool in the other room, and some girls were in the kitchen cooking with Bri.

As I come down the stairs, Melo's dog, Dip, jumps on me and I pet his head and scratch behind his ears.

"The beast has finally awakened." Gelo says as he looks me up and down.

"Shut up and play your game, before you lose." I walk past the couch and pluck his head.

"You're so pretty." One of the girls say as she mixes the pancake mix in the bowl she was holding.

"I'm Ally, and this is Evoni." She tilts her head in the direction of another girl, who was pouring drinks.

Bri was cooking some bacon. Evoni waves at me and I wave back.

"Should've woke me up earlier if I knew these lovely gals would be in the kitchen." I say and take a piece of bacon off the plate.

Bri smacks my hand and I pinch her.

"You know there ain't no girls here for you B, sit down somewhere." Gelo says, still focused on the game.

"Yes there is boy." I argue back, grabbing a water bottle out the fridge.

"You know what the deal is." He pauses the game and him and Melo get up and come to the kitchen to eat.

YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now