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Melo and I are doing good we've been taking it slow for a couple of months. I've been going to his games and stuff and hanging with him and his brothers a lot.

Me and Bri have been building our bond back, I'm still a little on the fence about it but for now we only talk about the baby and stuff like that.

I would say everything is going good. I've been working on my modeling career and even started painting just as a hobby.

My brother eventually started playing his games back to back and I kind of miss him, but I think he's coming for Valentine's Day today just to visit since everyone hasn't seen him in a while.

"Riah! C'mon you've been gettin ready for like 3 hours man!" Melo's voice echos through the house as I put on my heels and grab my slides.

"I'm coming I'm coming geez." As I'm walking down the stairs Melo shakes his head and laughs.

"Man you don't need to take that long to get ready when you're just as pretty as you were before."

I laugh and give him a kiss as he shuts the door behind us and we walk to the car.

"So where exactly are we going?" I ask as he starts driving. He looks over and smiles. "Be patient ma, you'll see."


"Melo! Your pulling my hair!" I flinch as he ties the blindfold on the back of my head.

He laughs and finishes tying it. His hands moved to my waist and guided me to wherever we were going.

"If you're planning on killing me can I at least see how I'm gonna die?" I put my hands on top of his that were on my waist and walk slowly.

"Shut up ain't nobody dying girl." He chuckles. After a few more minutes of walking we stop.

"You ready mamas?" I could feel his hands on the knot of the blindfold.

I nod and he starts untying it. "LaMelo I swear this-" It was a beautiful room with roses on the bed, gifts, caramel, a teddy bear, balloons, and a letter.

 "LaMelo I swear this-" It was a beautiful room with roses on the bed, gifts, caramel, a teddy bear, balloons, and a letter

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I turned around and he was grinning from ear to ear. I hugged him and we swayed back and forth.

"Nigga why you cheesing so much?" I pull away and laugh.

YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now