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I laugh and squeal as Mikey and Gelo try to chase me around with their Nerf guns. I quickly hide in the laundry room and count how much ammo I have left.

"These hoes tryna kill a girl for real man." I mumble to myself. I slightly open the door and peak to check if the coast is clear.

I quickly go into the kitchen and see Evoni and Ally sitting and talking.

"Y'all I almost lost my precious life messin' with them. I see why y'all quit." I laugh and Ally does too, while Evoni mumbles something.

"What you say?" I ask and she shrugs. "Nothin'." I sigh and roll my eyes. "What the fuck is up with you? Like seriously? 'Cause you've been acting like a complete bitch!"



"Melo you're up next." Zo  says as he comes out of the confessional booth. I put my nerf gun down and go inside.

"We're just doing confessional for what we're filming today okay?" Courtney says and I nod.

"So have you noticed the tension between Mariah and Evoni?" Oh wow she was getting straight to the point.

I laugh a little. "Everyone's noticed it, it's not hard to miss." I shake my head. "So do you think it's all for no reason?" Courtney asks and I nod. "Yup."

"I feel like Evoni just has trust issues and she needs to solve that out with Gelo instead of taking it out on both him and Mariah in an angry way. Like if I can trust them, I don't see why she can't y'know?" I shrug.

Courtney was about to ask another question, but Zo came in. "Uhh Melo you better get Mariah before things get crazier."

I sigh and get up to walk with Zo to wherever she was. "You've been acting like a complete bitch!"Mariah yells as Ally stands in between her and Evoni.

"You're the one who's all up on my nigga every second you aren't with your own!" Evoni got off of the counter where she was sitting.

Mariah laughs and points at her. "Maybe you aren't doing anything right if he keeps running back!"

Everyone went completely silent and stopped trying to deescalate the situation.

Evoni scoffs and shakes her head. "Y'all aren't gonna sit here and waste my time. If y'all want each other then y'all can have each other."

"I already fucking told you I don't fucking want Gelo! Do you not fucking get that? You're so insecure about your relationship that your taking it out on me!"

"I'm with Melo I don't want anyone else and it's gonna stay that way! Gelo is wrong for doing what he did and making you feel that way because of his feelings he still has toward me."

"But y'know what since it's my fault, your bitch ass wont ever have to hear from me again." Mariah grabs her phone and walks to the front door.

She slips on her slides and her and Mikey walk out.


YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now