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"I won bitches." I shout as I find the last hidden shot glass behind a plant.

I drink the shot and go to the kitchen get a bottle of water after.

"Man you're a cheater." Melo bumps me and I laugh.

"No, I'm just better than you." I bump him back and go back to texting Nate.

"Y'all wanna watch a movie?" Lonzo asks and we all
say yes and go to the theater room.

"Damn this shit is nice." Bri gasps and plops on the couch in the front.

Mikey lifts her legs up and scoots in next to her. I wink at him and he mouths "shut up".

I laugh and go to the couch in the very back of the theater.

Lonzo and Gelo lay on their own couches in the rows in front of me, and Melo sits next to

"Also the couches fold out, so that's why there's a lot of space." Melo explains.

I nod and help him fold out the couch. It looked like a little bed.

I lay down and he sits on the bed next to me.


Almost everyone is asleep. The movie stopped but I turned on another one so me, Bri, and Mariah could still watch something.

Mariah sighs and lays her head on my arm. "It's been a long day, I'm so tired."

I run my fingers through my curls. "I bet." She laughs and turns back to the movie.


"Riah, wake up." I shake her and she groans.

"It's like 3 in the morning, everyone went to their rooms already." I keep shaking her.

She turns over and moves my arm off of her.

"But I'm sleepy, so I'm gonna stay here." She mumbles.

I sigh and check my phone. "Well , do you want me to stay with you? It be gettin' a lil creepy in here at night, trust me I know."

She puts my arm back around her. "Yeah how about you stay, 'cause I ain't tryna get eaten by no ghost."

"Girl you stupid as fuck." I laugh and lay back down.

She scoots her butt closer to me accidentally, I think.

I start to get a little hard, accidentally, of course.

She laughs and turns around. "Melo, why is your thingy thing poking me?"

I shrug and turn over cause I was lowkey embarrassed.

She ain't have to put me on blast like that.

"It's okay, it's natural. It happens." She turns me back over and laughs.

YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now