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There was a knock on the window as I was unbuckling Mariah's jeans. Can't even do what I wanna do to her in peace man.

Startled, she crawled quickly back to the passenger's side and rearranged herself.

The police officer motioned for me to roll down the window.

"Y'know why I'm knocking at this window?" The cop looked back and forth between Mariah and I.

"No sir." We both say in unison.

"The beach is closing early, it's a Sunday. You kids can't be doing whatever in the parking lot, gotta go home."

We both nod and apologize.

"No worries kids. Y'all be safe out there, have a great rest of your evening." The cop walks back to his patrol car, and waits until we pull out of the parking lot and drive off.

Mariah over looks at me and starts laughing.

I smile and look over at her. "What's so funny?" I continue to look at her as she kept laughing.

"I don't even know, that was just funny to me." She says as she catches her breath again.

I shake my head and head on the freeway to get home.

"Yo we're home!" I shouted as we stepped in the house.

I didn't see anyone in the living room or the kitchen.

Gelo walks out of the game room with a piece of cake. "You. B. I've been lookin for you. Your location wasn't popping up."

We all have a group chat and our locations are shared, but sometimes Mariah's location acts up.

Mariah checks her phone and shrugs. "I don't know why but sometimes my phone does that. Melo and I were at the beach for a bit."

Gelo throws the paper plate away when he's done with the cake. "Your brother said that Bri isn't pregnant. He told me to tell you before he went to practice."

She sighed. I could tell half of it was a sigh of relief, the other half of sadness.

I knew she was kind of excited for it to be true, but also worried because they weren't ready yet, none of us were.

"Don't you got a game tomorrow bro? Go to bed kid." I laughed and threw a pillow at him.

He threw it back. "So what? I'll be energized. Y'all comin'?"

I look and Mariah and she nods. "Of course we'll be there G, it's the start of the season."

She smiles and a ping of jealousy hit my veins. A knot formed in my throat.

I was always somewhat jealous of their special connection.

They've always had something, and Gelo knows how I feel about her but continues to flirt with her sometimes.

I go upstairs and get in the shower. I hear Gelo say "goodnight" and close his door.

Then I hear footsteps coming in the room.

YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now