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"Dominican Republic here we come!" Ally squeals as me, her, and Evoni are packing on FaceTime.

Me, Melo, Gelo, Zo, Ally, Evoni, Mikey, and Gelo's new girlfriend Nikki are all taking a trip to the Dominican Republic for "bonding time."

Leo was gonna stay with Lavar and Tina until we got back, since the trip was only for the weekend.

I'm very anxious about leaving Leo, since this is the first time I won't be with him at all, but I'm sure Melo's parents got it under control.

Melo and I were packing now so we could go spend time with the baby at Melo's parents' house before we leave.

"So we should arrive around like 5 or 6 in the afternoon." Evoni was looking at her MacBook.

It was 7:30 p.m. right now.

"Some of your mom's side of the family is Dominican right?" Melo asks and I nod.

"Mhm, which is why I'm excited to go." I smile.

"Okay, so I booked us a lil oceanfront villa with 4 bedrooms for each couple to get freaky ya know, it had a nice kitchen and living room, all that stuff."

Mikey says as he pokes his head in the camera.

"Mikey you're supposed to be leaving and goin' home to get some shit to pack."

Evoni moves his head out the way and we all start laughing.

"Zo I don't know why you're laughing, your shit better be packed by the time I'm done. You like to pack last minute."

Ally starts fussing at him and he sighs. "I stay gettin' fussed at."

We all say bye and hang up so we can finish up packing and get some rest before tomorrow.

"I'm gonna put the suitcases in the car Mamas!"

Melo yells from downstairs before I hear the front door open and close.

A minute or two later, Melo comes back upstairs and sits beside me on the bed while looking at me.

"Can I eat you mamas?"

I start laughing as he kisses my face over and over. "Noo we have to wake up early."

He smacks his lips and groans. "But I'm dyin' over here mamas."

I sit up and straddle his waist. I look at the time on my Apple watch and look back down at Melo.

"10 minutes, but then we have to go to your parents' house." I say before Melo takes my shirt off while smiling.


"Dip wake up, it's 7." I rub Melo's face and he groans.

"Can I please have at least 10 more minutes mamas?" He turned over and I sat up.

"Our flight is at 7:30, so no c'mon and get up." I get outta bed.

Melo gets up, making sure not to squish Leo and stretches.

We all stayed at Melo's parents' house overnight.

Zo and Ally were in the guest house, me and Melo were in Melo's old room, Mikey and Evoni were in Zo's old room, and since Gelo lived down the street him and Nikki were at his house.

Melo and I stayed here because it would've been pointless to fly home to Charlotte, and catch a separate flight to meet everyone in the D.R.

Melo and I get ready, and after we're done we take Leo downstairs to Lavar and Tina's room.

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