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"The power went out and I think this girl is tryna break in or something. I don't know who it is." Mariah whispers through the phone.

My smile went away and I went upstairs to grab Zo's gun out of the nightstand drawer.

Don't worry it's registered, and he only has it for protection over Ally, Zoey, and himself.

"Ima get the guys, we on the way." I hang up and wake Gelo and Zo up.

"What you want bro? And why you got my gun?" Zo sits up and runs his hands through his hair.

Gelo carefully gets off of the couch so he doesn't want Evoni up.

"Someone's tryna break into the studio where Mariah is. We gotta go get her bro. The power over there went out too." I look at Mariah's location and she's still in the same area.

Gelo and Zo get their shoes and jackets, and we all head to the studio.


I FaceTime Mariah as we park across the street from the house, it was nice.

"Why are you here? Someone is out there LaFrancé, they could be crazy and have a weapon you don't know what could happen." She looks around and sighs.

"Don't worry I got G and Zo, and this." I hold the gun up in the camera.

"Isn't that Zo's gun? You're crazy." She squints at the camera.

I laugh and shrug. "Better safe than sorry."

We walk to the gate of the house and stand there.

"Should we press on the intercom or hop it?" Zo puts his hood on.

"If we press the intercom, they might think we're the intruders." Gelo said and I thought about it for a second.

"But if we hop it then there's a better chance of them thinking we're the ones tryna break in. Let's just press the intercom."

I pressed the little sliver button and it buzzed.

"Who is it?" Mariah's voice asked from the little speaker.

"It's us Mariah." I held down the button to speak.

"Okay walk down the driveway and I'll meet y'all at the front door." She says before the gates slid open.

The 3 of us walk down the driveway hurriedly and make it to the porch.

"Where she at?" Gelo looks through the windows on each side of the door.

Then the door unlocks and cracks open. Mariah peaks her head out and smiles.

She was about to say something, but she disappeared. "Let me go!"

I hear her shout and I open the door more with my foot and cocked the gun before we stepped inside.

A big guy was holding her, and Jack was speed walking in our direction to stop him.

"Put her down." I point the gun at him.

YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now