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"Release party? Well I'm glad I came over here early then." I lay back in the chair and sigh.

I finish posting on my social media about the song dropping at midnight.

"Wanna get something to eat? I'm starving over here, I don't know about you." Jack holds his stomach and groans dramatically.

I roll my eyes and nod. We grab our things and head outside to get in Jack's car.

"What you wanna eat?" He looks over at me as he pulls out of the long driveway.


Jack takes my arm and switches places with me so that I'm walking on the inside of the sidewalk, and he's the closest to the street.

"Thanks." I take a sip of my milkshake.

All of a sudden a bunch of paparazzi started swarming around us.

Jack shields me with his body.

"Jack, is this your new girlfriend?" A woman held her mic out.

"No, she's a friend from the music industry." He answered dryly as we kept walking.

"Mariah! We heard you're releasing a song, is that true?" Someone else asks.

Jack turns a corner and now we're almost by the parking garage where his car was.

I ignore the question and walk faster to keep up with Jack.

"How would Melo feel about the two of you being together?"

I immediately stop in my tracks.

"Shit." I hear Jack mumble.

"Jack and I are only friends just working on music simply. I am committed to LaMelo, and I'm definitely sure he doesn't have a problem." I answer and Jack opens my door so I could get in the car.

He walks around the front and gets in before speeding off, making sure to be aware of the crowd of paparazzi.

"I knew that question was comin'. You okay?" Jack looks over at me.

I nod. "I've encountered paparazzi and fans before,
look at who I date."

I laugh and he shrugs.

"True. Melo is loved by many. Don't worry, you will be too after this song drops." He smiles.


"White or black?" I hold up two dresses and Melo looks up.

"White. Gotta pop out." He smiles and I nod.

I put the black dress back and put the white dress on.

"Hey, no looking. Turn your head you creep." I laugh and Melo starts cheesing.

He turns his head and I continue putting the dress on.

"Acting like I've never seen you naked before." He mumbles.

YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now