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I speed all the way to the Ball Estate in fury and frustration.

I ignore the texts and calls I was getting from Melo and everyone else, blinking a thousand times to stop the tears from blurring my vision.

Bri? Really? My life long best friend? CHEATING on my brother.

I couldn't believe she would do something like this.

All of the memories we have together flashing through my mind as I pull in the driveway.

I get out quickly and slam the car door behind me.

I see Gelo and Zo's cars pull up beside mine in the driveway,  and they all rush out of them in my direction.

I bang on the door waiting for an answer.

"Mariah! Calm down!" Melo rushes up behind me and pulls me into his arms.

I pull away and shake my head. "No because she's a lying ass bitch!"

Bri answers the door scratching her head. "Why y'all so loud? I'm tryna sleep bro."

I stare at her and laugh. Everyone looked at me like I was going crazy, which I hate to admit it, but I was.

"I fucking hate yo ass! Why would you do that to Mikey?" I struggle to get out of Melo's grasp.

Her eyes grew wide but she quickly covered up her nervousness with a chuckle. "What are you talking about Riah? Ain't nobody doin' nothin' to your brother."

All of a sudden my brother's friend Jalen, shuffles to the front door rubbing his eyes, proving my statement true. "Yooo, Bri you good?"

She quickly turns around and then turns back to all of us standing outside. I lunge forward, making Melo let go of me, and I punch her right in the face.

She falls to the ground, and as I try to hit her again, Jalen pushes me.

"Bro what you doin' nigga?" Melo comes out of nowhere and steps in between Jalen and I.

"Get yo girl bro. She's fuckin' crazy!" Jalen pushes past Melo and helps Bri up.

She looks at me with tears in her eyes. I shake my head, that was really all I could do.

"Really Brielle? I thought we were tight yo. Cheating on my brother is uncalled for. We've known each other since we were in diapers and you do some shit like that? I can't believe you bro!"

I snatch the bracelet off of my wrist and throw it at her. "Fuck you, fuck this friendship, I hate you, I don't wanna see or talk to you again. Jalen, fuck you too, you ain't a real friend to my brother."

I walk back to the car and put the keys in the ignition. A few minutes later Melo gets in the car and sighs.

He looks over at me and reaches over the gearshift to hug me. Before I know it tears start flowing out of my eyes.

He rubs my back and kisses my forehead, I just sit there and cry. All of the memories just hit me, and I realize that I really lost my fucking best friend.

YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now