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I held Mariah's hand as we walked around at the mall.

We were with the usual crew y'know Zo, Ally, Evoni, and Gelo... yeah talk about awkwardddd.

Mariah was handling it the best out of Gelo, Evoni, and I.

She still talked to everyone and laughed like everything was normal, so I guess she just let it go.

While on the other hand, I'm making sure he doesn't get too close to her,

Evoni stands between Gelo and Mariah everytime she tries to conversate with him, and Gelo is just quieter than usual.

"Guyssss I want Chick-Fil-a. Or maybe boba. Let's get both." Mariah pulls me towards the food court and I laugh and pull her back.

"Ma, chill we're goin' just wait for us at least." I love how she acts like a little kid sometimes, but I know she was talking a lot to distract herself from the situation.

We order our food and sit. We all talk and joke around while we eat.

Me, Mariah, and Zo are sitting on one side of the table and Gelo, Evoni, and Ally are sitting on the other side.

Since Mariah is sitting across from Gelo she holds out the fries out to him with the skin still on it, knowing he always eats them since she doesn't.

He looks up from his phone and gives her a slight smile and takes them. Evoni shakes her head and goes back to eating.

Everyone could sense the tension, and I mean everyone. Ally finally spoke up.

"Can y'all just talk about this? It's making the vibe awkward." She looks at all of us, and we shrug at the same time.

Ally grabs Zo by the hand and they walk off. "We'll be back I guess!" Zo shouts before they turn around the corner.

"Sooooo.." Mariah eats her chicken nuggets.

I stay silent and continue eating.

Evoni looks up from her phone. "Do you two have anything going on?" She looks back and forth between Gelo and Mariah.

"No." They both say. "Truthfully." Mariah adds.

Evoni nods and goes silent again. This time Mariah speaks up.

"Gelo I get that you still have feelings for me and I respect how you feel, but after that day there wasn't gonna be anything else between us. You know that. So please just move on, your hurting yourself and others by doing this G."

We all look at him and he nods, but he looked unsure.

She continues. "Evoni is a wonderful person and she wants to be with you, you can't be stuck on me forever. We all have to move on with life and this isn't the right way to move on."

"Think about how Evoni feels right now, or Melo. If I forgave you for literally breaking my trust, then you can forgive yourself too and move on finally."

There's an awkward but comfortable silence after she's done speaking.

I finally decide to say something. "All I gotta say is... I don't know if your with me for a get back or whatever Mariah, but I'm serious about our relationship."

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