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liked by melo, zo, and 754,383 othersmariahthescientist can't let it show on my face😏view all 23,4456 commentsmelo all mine😍😍

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liked by melo, zo, and 754,383 others
mariahthescientist can't let it show on my face😏
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melo all mine😍😍

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liked by mariahthescientist, gelo, and 1,346,042 othersmelo sunset😮‍💨view all 543,234 commentsmariahthescientist my babies😘

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liked by mariahthescientist, gelo, and 1,346,042 others
melo sunset😮‍💨
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mariahthescientist my babies😘

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We cheer as Mikey makes another 3 pointer. A few seconds later the clock runs out, and it's halftime. Both teams walk out, and go to their locker rooms.

"I'm starving, you want something Dip?" Mariah gets up and grabs her purse. I shake my head and smile.

"I'm not that hungry, but can I have a Rice Krispie?" I hand her 5 dollars and she nods.

"Anyone else want something? G and I were hungry, so we're gonna get some food real quick." Mariah asks Zo, Ally, Jada, and Evoni.

Evoni rolls her eyes and huffs. "Why does he gotta go with you? Why can't you just go by yourself?"

Mariah frowns and I could tell she was getting upset, so I stood up and took the money from her. "I got it mamas, just sit down, we'll be back."

Mariah huffs and sits down.

Gelo and I walk away to go get the food and snacks.

"What's Evoni's problem bro? That was so unnecessary." I look at Gelo and he shrugs.

"She's been 'iffy' about Mariah since what happened on Mariah's birthday. Like I can say anything, and she'll find a way to bring Mariah's name in it. She doesn't even want me around Mariah no more."

YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now