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"Hell no, I'm not gettin' on that thing." Mariah hid behind me as we were in the line for a roller coaster.

It looked pretty extreme... like next level type shit.

"Baby you'll be aight, c'mon everyone is going." I chuckle and pull her hand so that she's standing beside me.

"Nah I don't know 'bout this one y'all. This shit wild." Gelo shakes his head observing the ride.

"Y'all are so scary, it'll be fun." Zo gestures towards the ride just as the roller coaster was on a huge drop.

He looks back at us and shakes his head. "Nah, never mind." We all laugh and walk out of the line.

I pull Mariah closer to me as we walk, trying to find a ride or something to do. A few people stop us and ask for pictures and autographs.

"Speaking of pictures, we should take some group photos y'all." Mariah suggests while looking at her phone. Everyone agrees in unison.

We walk and conversate as we get to the building and go in the elevator to go to the arcade. I look over and see Mariah and Ally take pictures in the mirror.


"That's exactly why we don't take you anywhere!" Mariah yelled at Gelo in a hushed tone as he's laughing uncontrollably under the table at the restaurant.

He laughed so hard he spit his water out and now he's under the table, still laughing.

Lonzo sighs and runs his hands down his face, shaking his head. Evoni is just sitting there looking at Gelo with no emotion. Mariah is still mean mugging him, and Ally is just on her phone. While me, I'm over here trying to hold in my laugh.

Eventually I started to chuckle lightly, but Mariah quickly turned her head to mean mug me and I clear my throat. "My bad ma. Bro G get up and clean off the table."

Gelo slowly gets up and sits back in his spot beside Evoni and Zo.

"So can you wipe off the table and pay for another plate of my food?" Evoni was now also mean mugging Gelo.

"Aw nah, if you spit water in my food we would've been fighting." I shake my head and wrap my arm around Mariah's shoulder, pulling her into my side.

She sighs and shakes her head. "G your such a little kid bro." We all watch him as he cleans the table with a bunch of napkins.

"Wait why was he even laughing that hard anyway?" Ally finally looked up from her phone after a good 10 minutes.

"Cause Mariah said Denise's coochie was the reason Lonzo had acne." Now that I think about it, it was kinda funny.

Ally starts to laugh and Zo mean mugs her.

"He not wrong though, that's why I laughed hard as fuck." Gelo piles all of the damp napkins up as he finished cleaning the table.

As he picked up the napkins his arm slid the empty appetizer plate off of the table and it smashed to pieces on the ground. We all look at each other, eyes widened.

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