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"Everyone's alive in here? Okay, great." Melo comes downstairs with a slight smile on his face.

"I'm finna kill them in a few seconds, so don't get your hopes up." I turn back to Bri and Mikey to continue the conversation.

Everyone else leaves the room, including Bri, and goes into the game room.

Mikey comes to sit beside me and takes my hands into his, looking at me with sincerity in his eyes.

"Mari, you gotta listen to me. Don't say nothing yet until I'm finished. Your my lil sister, my best friend, the other half of me, one of the most important people in my life."

"I know after this you probably don't wanna speak to me, but really Mariah? Do you know how close we are? We even promised each other nothing would break our bond as siblings, ever."

The memory of our pinky promise comes back to mind.


"MARI! C'MERE REAL QUICK!" Mikey was on the game in his room and he heard the front door open and close, meaning Mariah just got home from school.

She shuffled upstairs to his room and opened the door with snacks in her hand.

"I heard about what happened with that guy you were talking to." He looks at her and he could tell she'd been crying.

She still kept eating her snacks, and he knew she didn't really wanna talk about it.

"I know you don't wanna talk about it, but I wanna promise that I'll always be here, nothing will break our bond, you're my sister. I won't leave, okay?"

She smiled because he knew her well. He had his pinky out, smiling, waiting for her to interlock her pinky with his.

She walked over to the edge of the bed and their pinky fingers intertwined.

"I promise, okay?" He looks at her and she nods.

"I promise too." She smiled at him and sat beside him to watch him play the game.


Tears were now running down my face before I even knew it. I quickly wiped them away and sat there.

I knew I could never break my promise, especially with him. That was my brother, and at the end of the day after all of this I still love him with all of my heart.

"You're right. We made a promise, and I won't break that because I love you and you're my brother. I'll put this behind us, but don't expect me to talk to her. I'll only be conversating with her if it has anything to do with my niece, or nephew."

I give him a really tight hug and we sit there for a bit.

He pulls away and smiles. "Understandable. We aren't back together either, just co-parenting. But as long as you're talking to me and your involved in my child's life, is all that matters. You're gonna make a great aunt, Mari." He playfully nudges me and I laugh.

YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now