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"Wakey wakey hoe!" Mariah lays on me and kisses my neck.

I wrap my arm around her and turn over so that she was now laying beside me.

I open my eyes and close them again.

"I'm tired mamas." I groan and she traces the tattoo on my chest.

"Too bad, I have a gift for you." She grabs a box off of a nightstand.

"What's this?" I ask and I sit up and start to untie the ribbon on the box.

She smiles and bites her bottom lip anxiously.

I open the box and my eyes go wide. "No fuckin' way baby! Stop playin'!"

I look up and see that she was recording me.

She laughs and shakes her head. "No jokes, you're a daddy now baby!"

She smiles and I look at both of the tests in the box and start smiling mad hard.

"I love you... so much baby."

I put the box down and cover the camera as I climb on top of her and kiss on her neck as she giggles.


"Woww, so Ally was the first to know?" I shake my head as I lay beside Mariah in bed, rubbing her belly.

She covers her face and laughs. "Bro she even knew before me. So embarrassing." She shakes her head.

"We're telling them tonight?" I ask and she nods and sends a text to the family group chat.

I huff and look up at the ceiling.

"What's wrong Dip?" She lays her head on my chest.

I sigh and look down at her. "I know my pops might not take it well. He was kinda like that with Denise and Zo, and I don't got time for that."

I roll my eyes and sigh in frustration. She chuckles and rubs my face.

"Y'know how Mr. Lavar is Dip. He's still gonna support us, it just might take him by surprise. Don't stress about it."

She pecks my lips softly. I hum and close my eyes before drifting off to sleep.


Mariah sighs before ringing the doorbell.

"Yet you're telling me not to stress about it." I joke as I wrap my arm around her.

She side eyes me as I laugh. Evoni opens the door and awkwardly steps aside so we could come in.

"Hey." Mariah surprisingly spoke first and Evoni spoke back. "Hey."

I just waved at her and shut the door behind us.

"Oh, Mikey said the other day when he was over my house, for you to call him whenever you get the chance."

YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now