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"Feels so good to be back home." I sigh as we get inside of my parents' house.

My mom and pops meet us at the door with Leo in my mom's arms.

"My bugaboo, mommy missed you so much!" Mariah kisses his cheek as my mom hands Leo to her.

"Hey lil man, you had fun with grandma and grandpa?" I smile and kiss his forehead before setting the bags down.

"So are y'all gonna go start wedding planning now?" My pops asked and Zo and Ally nodded.

"I'm gonna head home, I need some sleep." Evoni grabs her bags from Mikey and says bye to us before leaving.

"You wanna go with mommy and your auntie Ally or go with daddy and your uncles?" Mariah asks Leo and he lays his head on her chest.

"Okay I guess you wanna come with the girls then." Mariah laughs.


"So how do you feel about getting married man?" Gelo asks Zo as we're walking into the bakery.

Zo shrugs and smiles. "It's been overdue for a while now, I'm ready man."

Mikey makes a face and shakes his head. "You a simp Zo."

We all laugh and Zo waves him off.

"First of all, I am not a simp. Second, if we're taking about simps, then you should see the way you are with Ev." Zo chuckles as he pulls his phone out.

Mikey smacks his lips and laughs. "Here we go, why I gotta be put into this right now? Plus, I treat her that good 'cause it's not what she's used to."

When Mikey says that Gelo's energy shifted a little, I don't know if he or Zo noticed it though.

"Hey, baby you want the two mini plastic figures of us on the top of the cake? And you want it to be red velvet right?" Zo asks Ally over the phone.

"Yeah and the cupcakes are gonna be red velvet, vanilla, and chocolate. Make sure the cake has white cream cheese icing too." She says and he nods before they hang up.

He tells the baker what Ally told him, and gives her the date on when to have all of it done by before we leave and go sit in Zo's car.

"So now we're in charge of finding the place to get married, and our suits?" I ask and Zo sighs and nods.

"I'm hungry bruh, we needa break." He says before starting the car and pulling off.


"Ooh those flowers are pretty." I pick up a bouquet of roses and smell them.

Ally rolls her eyes and laughs. "You're obsessed with roses."

I nod and put them back. "Sure am, they're so pretty. But you're more of a tulip kind of girl."

Ally nods in agreement and we keep walking around the floral shop.

"So what's the date that you guys picked?" I ask her while I adjust the baby harness on my chest.

YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now