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imagine nine | avoiding
SUMMARY; derek has been unintentionally avoiding the MC, leaving her completely upset
WARNINGS; none?, slight argument

"i never meant to avoid you, i'm just extremely stressed between keeping you and this town safe."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

SHE WASN'T SURE WHY EXACTLY SHE WAS IN A MOOD TODAY. maybe it was the fact her werewolves boyfriend, derek, was too busy turning teenagers left and right into werewolves. or maybe it was the fact one of the teenagers he gave the bite to was a blonde girl who constantly flirted with derek. whatever the reason was, she had an attitude since she woke up this morning and it wasn't going to change.

she also didn't know what she was getting herself into when she gave into the bond her and derek shared. the love between them was like no other and just couldn't ever be ignored. when she first met derek, she was afraid to say the least. she didn't know of the supernatural world, she was just a college student minding her business. until she ran into derek at the local café and his wolf instantly responded to the bond.

derek was very insistent in keeping her safe from any threat that came to beacon hills. especially when an unknown alpha started attacking innocent people and killing them, but only turning a teenager named scott mccall. it was hard to kept his secret of being a werewolf hidden from her as all his instinct pushed him to do was keep her under his watch so nothing could hurt her.

but on the night of a full moon, derek was struggling to keep his own self in control. anger had always been his anchor to keep him control on the full moon. until he met her and she filled the spot as his anchor. he had shown up to her apartment struggling for control and he was half shifted. his teeth were sharpened into fangs and his eyes were glowing their cerulean blue.

the sight terrified her to say the least. she didn't expect anything like this to happen. they were growing closer since meeting at the café, often meeting up and sharing similar interests. they quickly became each other's best friend, relying on each other in more ways than one.

but seeing him that night, growling lowly as he struggled for control almost made her cut all ties with him. her heart forced her otherwise and gave him the chance to explain everything to her. including her being mated to him. and she couldn't help but need him to stay in her life forever. so she gave in.

now here she was with her boyfriend now the latest alpha in the town, creating his own pack. it wouldn't bother her if she was in the loop of everything and knew beforehand what he was doing. instead he was being incredibly distant from her which began to hurt her. she missed the nights where he would hold her in his arms and they would whisper sweet nothings to each other. now most nights were spent alone and she had to find everything out from scott mccall and his best friend stiles stilinski.

the few times she got to spend with derek were accompanied by his new pack members isaac, erica, and boyd. they took shelter at the abandoned train station where derek could train his new betas. and during those times she sat there and listened to erica flirt as much as she could with derek. everything got too much for her and she started actively avoiding derek herself. she thought mates were supposed to always be there for each other. at this point they didn't even feel like mates.

"babe?" derek called as he entered her quiet apartment and saw her sitting on the couch reading a book. he kicked off his shoes and shrugged off his leather jacket before heading over to her.

"what're you doing here?" she spoke in a harsh tone, glaring at him as he sat down right beside her.

he was taken back by her words, hurt spreading across his face. "what's wrong?"

"nothing. well, not anything i should even tell you anyway considering you don't even care." she snapped while turning her attention back to her book and pretending he wasn't there.

"i do care! why would you even think or say i don't?" he questioned.

"because it's the truth! ever since you became alpha, you stopped caring about me, about our relationship! you made it very clear you're only concerned about power and being alpha. i don't even see or talk to you anymore because you made it that way!" her outburst seemed to both shock herself and derek. she was always calm and collected, never having bursts of anger. but this was something she had been bottling for weeks and couldn't hold it in anymore. he needed to know how badly he was affecting her.

guilt swarmed in his stomach making him feel sick. he never meant for this to happen or get this far, "baby, i–i didn't mean for this to happen. i know i've been a shitty boyfriend lately but i do care about you and i love you."

those three words at the end caught her by surprise as they had never said them to each other yet. they both knew very well the love was incredibly strong but neither of them gotten to the point to say it. and derek hadn't realized he said it until he saw the surprised look sitting on her face.

"i know we haven't said it yet, and i'm sorry for blurting it out so suddenly, but i mean it. i do love you, so much, and–" she cut off his nervous rambling by pressing her lips onto his, reeling him in for a passionate kiss. his lips instantly molded with her as his hands came up to cup her cheeks.

"i love you too." she whispered into his mouth, feeling him smile against her lips before kissing her once more. "and i'm still mad at you for avoiding me."

he pulled back from her with a sigh, "i know and i'm sorry. i never meant to avoid you, i'm just extremely stressed between keeping you and this town safe."

"everything will be okay, derek. i'm not going anywhere." she reassured him, curling into his side when he wrapped an arm around her.

"i know but the thought of something hurting you–i just need you safe and alive. i need you alive because i can't live without you." he opened up to her, nuzzling his nose into her hair and inhaling her scent.

she blushed at his words and when he left a tender kiss on her temple. "nothing will ever hurt me, not when i have you with me."

"i'm gonna stay the night and make everything up to you. and i promise to never avoid you again." he told her, giving her another sweet kiss before swiftly picking her up in his arms and heading upstairs to her room.

she squealed and held onto him, "how are you gonna make it up to me?" her face appeared innocent but the darkening glint in her eyes made him purr with desire.

"with a very few exciting ways."


two updates in two days. who am i? and idk what the hell this is. i originally had this planned as a smutty imagine but the beginning didn't fit with the smut plot so i came up with this instead. i promise to you all a filthy imagine next.

vote n comment for the smutty imagine.

see y'all soon Xx

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