sixteen | CHANCES

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imagine sixteen | chances
SUMMARY; you and derek were once best friends until he pushed you away, only for him to reveal his feelings for you later on
WARNINGS; derek being a jerk, angst, arguments, possessive derek?, overall derek being pouty, language

"i'm sorry for being such an idiot and being awful to you. i should've realized how much i was hurting you."


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YOU AND DEREK WERE ALWAYS CLOSE, BEING EACH OTHER'S BEST FRIEND. there was a night when you were just walking back to your apartment after work when you were attacked by some wolf. luckily derek was in the area at the same time when it happened and he jumped in to save you. instead of taking you back to your apartment, he took you to his loft where he cleaned you up and made sure you weren't critically injured.

though it brought him to tell you about some of the underlying issues going on in beacon hills. it terrified you to say the least but when he reassured you he wouldn't let anything happen to you, you couldn't help but believe him. something about the aura he gave off made you feel safe and secure. comforted in a sense.

however derek decided to keep you shielded from the pack. it's not that he didn't want you around the pack. it was more so he didn't want the pack around you. for his own selfish reasons, he liked having you trust only him and giving him your undivided attention whenever he was around. he knew once he brought you to meet the pack, they would get too excited and wrapped up with you they'd take your attention away from him. he didn't want that.

another reason why he wanted to keep you away from the pack was because he liked having a close friend outside of the pack. it brought him a sense of whatever normalcy he could find. he didn't want to drag you into his dangerous world. but fighting so hard to keep you out of it was also bringing him such immense stress. you had to make him introduce you to the pack because he couldn't keep beating around the bush.

after you met everyone, derek ended up feeling a bit better although he would never admit it. you had also assured him that after meeting the pack, it wouldn't take you away from him. he was still your best friend and nothing could take that away from you guys.

as time went on you found yourself developing such feelings for derek. you weren't sure when they started but it seemed to come to light when he started seeing this high school teacher named jennifer. you couldn't help the jealousy you got whenever she was around or was mentioned at pack meetings, since she was their teacher. this also created a wall between you and derek.

when he started seeing her he stopped talking to you as much and not really hanging out with you. it did hurt you and bothered you quite a bit that he would let her come between your friendship. you never thought derek was the type of guy to do that so it left you a bit blindsided as well.

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