forty four | DON'T BE AFRAID

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imagine forty four | don't be afraid
SUMMARY; upon finding out you're pregnant, you decide to take off in fear from what derek would think
WARNINGS; angst!, language, fluff, and protective derek, depictions and mentions of troubled family relationships


"i know this isn't an ideal situation but don't be afraid because i'm not going anywhere..."


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YOU WERE COMPLETELY SCARED AND UNSURE OF WHAT TO DO. you sat on the bathroom floor staring right at the three positive pregnancy tests in front of you. the only thing you kept thinking about was what your boyfriend derek would think. you weren't sure if he would be happy or angry about this. the fear of the worst kept outweighing all the positive possibilities you were trying to think of. you were incredibly terrified of losing derek. but you were most terrified of him rejecting both you and the child growing inside of you.

neither of you had ever talked about starting a family together. the thought hadn't ever crossed your minds. this was something you didn't know where he stood about it. the two of you both had complicated pasts. he lost his entire family from the hunters who burned his home, and you didn't have the best childhood growing up.

you were used to never being good enough in your family. you were constantly left out and invalidated by everyone. it was hard for you to think of a time where you were treated fairly with respect. anytime you reacted to the disrespect they gave you, they always labeled you as toxic and can never handle anything. you were always made out to never be good enough by them.

the thought of bringing a child into this world where all you know growing up wasn't love and care, you weren't sure if you could do it. you didn't know anything about this. of course derek knew about your family history and it took him a while to get you used to being loved and cared for. just like how it took you a while to get him to trust you. he was used to people leaving and being on his own so when you came into his life, he didn't want you to get too close to him.

once you broke down his walls you showed him a light he hasn't seen. as foreign as it was, it was something he adapted to fairly quickly. he learned you weren't going anywhere and were in it for the long run. his feelings for you only grew stronger each day that passed and nearly four years together, he loved you more than anything else. he couldn't imagine his life without you. just like how you couldn't imagine your life without him.

but you were scared. scared of what derek would think of you being pregnant. he already has enough on his shoulders with running off with the pack and protecting the town from supernatural threats. he always stressing himself out with keeping you safe and protected. you didn't want to add to that stress by bringing a baby into this world.

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