dangerous possession #2

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imagine series one, chapter two | dangerous possession
SUMMARY; harmony recaps the raunchy dream she had about derek & goes on a date with him
WARNINGS; dirty thoughts, smut, dominant derek?, sexual tension

"i want to take you out on a date."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

DEREK'S HIPS SMACKED ROUGHLY AGAINST HARMOMY'S AS THE SOUNDS OF HER MOANS EDGED HIM FURTHER. her legs were spread apart with his torso keeping them open. she laid beneath him with her eyes shut and lips parted as breathy sounds continued spilling out from his never faltering movements.

her body was on a burning tingling sensation as he took her to a world filled with nothing but pure pleasure. his eyes mapped her entire naked body under him, enjoying the way she fisted the sheets tightly and cried for him to never stop.

he growled at the sight of her sweat glistening skin, her cheeks rosy colored and lips swollen. "open your eyes baby. watch me as i fuck you and make you mine." he demanded in a low, gravelly voice.

she shivered at his demanding words but obeyed anyway. her eyes were dark and hazy with lust as she watched him above her. she gasped and arched her back when he angled his hips and began hitting her sweet spot repeatedly with such accuracy it was almost scary.

"derek! fucking hell, right there!" she moaned loudly and clutched tighter onto the sheets in attempt to keep her grounded. "don't stop, don't stop please." she pleaded, grinding her hips to meet his thrusts.

"who do you belong to, baby?" he grunted, slowing his thrusts down to a tortuous pace. he watched her whine as the very slow movements of his hips. "tell me."

"y–you derek. i belong to you only." she gasped, holding onto his forearms as he gave a slow, hard thrust inside her.

he growled when he felt her clench around him, knowing she was about hit her release. "be a good girl and come for me baby doll."

harmony's grip on the pen she was holding tightened as she replayed the dream she had about derek. it had been a mere three days since she met him. she bumped into him the morning after meeting him and took up his offer of going to get coffee before work. the two instantly connected with each other, talking about everything and nothing at the same time. until she had to be to work. ever since then she had been constantly thinking about him. just like he was constantly thinking about her the moment he laid eyes on her.

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