dangerous possession #4

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imagine series one, chapter four | dangerous possession
SUMMARY; derek and harmony have a night in at his apartment and seem to grow closer
WARNINGS; playful derek, sexual innuendos, overall fluff

"there's something about you that keeps pulling me to you..."


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once jamie left, harmony turned around to see derek standing with a pout on his face. "are you okay?" she asked him, walking over to where he stood.

"m'fine." he mumbled, glancing behind her at the door with a glare from where jamie just left.

"you don't seem fine. so really, what's wrong?" she asked with a frown, eyes wide with curiosity as she stared into his green ones. "you can talk to me."

how was he supposed to tell her he was jealous of another guy near her? close to her? and that all he wanted was her to himself? they were still getting to know each other but derek's possessiveness only skyrocketed after their date. he wanted her all to himself, wanting no one else to even be near her or have her time.

"nothing it's stupid." he brushed it off, pushing her hair behind her ear and gazing down into her eyes.

"it's not stupid if you have that pout on your face." she pointed out.

he grinned slightly, "a pout on my face?"

"yes a pout on your face. so tell me what's wrong." she demanded, stepping hack and crossing her arms over her chest. she gave him a look making him sigh and take a seat on her couch.

"i just got jealous seeing another guy near you." he mumbled quietly but she heard him quite clear as she was seated beside him. "i'm sorry."

"i know we're still getting to know each other, but i like you derek. and jamie, he's been my best friend for so long and nothing will change that." she explained to him, enjoying the fact he was jealous of another guy near her. it made her feel fuzzy and like he really wanted her. and he did. "so i guess you can say my eyes are only set on you right now."

he smiled at her. "well i'm glad because i've had my eyes on you since i met you." his words made her cheeks burn only spurring him on even more. "but i have a question for you."


"would you be okay if i kissed you?" he asked. 

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