twenty three | JEALOUSY

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imagine twenty three | jealousy
SUMMARY; derek starts seeing the packs high school teacher, jennifer, and you can't help the pure jealousy you feel
WARNINGS; jealousy, angst, argument, language, derek being slightly instinctive

"how could you make me believe there was something between you and me?!"

"how could you make me believe there was something between you and me?!"

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YOU WERE HURT AND INCREDIBLY ANGRY BUT MOSTLY AT YOURSELF. you and derek shared such a strong and unique bond ever since the two of you met. you were someone who always stood out to him and all he wanted was to be as close to you as possible. it was the same for you as well. it almost was as if there was a magnetic force pulling the two of you together. at one point the two of you were so overwhelmed with how raw and intense the pull was you guys tried fighting it and kept distance. until derek couldn't sleep and his wolf pushed himself to go to your apartment one night and wrap his arms around you.

since that night he came over your guys's friendship only became stronger and closer. despite the comments made by stiles about derek being all mean, intimidating, and broody, derek was always so gentle and caring with you. he may be cold and mean to everyone else but with you, he was the most sincere and kindhearted person. it for sure threw you for a loop but you loved the way he was so soft with you.

you guys quickly grew attached to each other. whenever you couldn't sleep he would always come over and be with you. if you were having a panic attack he would be the only one to calm you down. and if there were a supernatural threat looming over the town, his overprotectiveness would kick into overdrive and he would have you stay with him at the loft to ensure your safety.

you felt lucky that you were the only one to see derek's soft and caring side. when he started becoming affectionate with you, it only made your feelings for him skyrocket. though in front of the pack you guys still remained close but kept a bit of distance so no one would suspect a thing. but once the two of you were alone, you guys would share sweet moments with each other, talking about everything and nothing. he would always keep you wrapped in his arms, occasionally leaving kisses on your temple.

there's no one else you would rather be this close to. you were incredibly thankful to have such a special friendship with derek. except there were so many unspoken words. you wanted to tell him how much you really love him and how you want to be the one he gets to wake up next to in the morning. you hated the thought of someone else being with him. especially since you two had something special.

at one point he made it aware to you he reciprocated the same feelings as you though you never admitted it directly to him. he assured you there was no one else he would rather do any of the things you've guys done with each other than with someone else. the two of you both agreed to keep things slow and building before fully diving in to your feelings. you were very excited to start something with derek. this was the first time in a while you had been excited about a guy.

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