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imagine thirty one | dominating chase
SUMMARY; with derek's newfound power from being a fresh alpha, he seems to lose control to his naughty wolf on the night of the full moon
WARNINGS; dominant derek!, alpha derek, highly instinctive, pure filth, rough sex, primal derek

"i knew i wasn't going to hurt you, my wolf just wanted to see you on all fours for me."


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DEREK WAS NATURALLY A POSSESSIVE AND TERRITORIAL PERSON. this was something that took a lot of adjusting to when you two first began dating. it wasn't a bad thing as most of the time it was one of his ways on protecting you though for quite some time it was questionable. there were little quirks of his which seemed odd but you brushed it off as part of who he was and how it made him such a unique boyfriend. he always kept you close, spent as many nights as he could with you and made sure to take care of you.

one of his little quirks that should've seemed weird to you but strangely had you enjoying it, was his often biting. nights he spent over at yours or you at his, you always woke up before him. he held you tight and trapped against him so whenever you tried to get out of bed in the morning, he would seem to let out what sounded like a growl and would bite your neck softly.

the first time he did it caught you by surprise and you couldn't help such feelings at that action. despite your efforts to hide the fact you loved when he did this, it's like he could see right through everything and often did this to get his way sometimes.

the biggest thing of all was his main focus on taking care of you and making sure nothing was ever wrong. any small form of discomfort you were in for some reason, would immediately send him into protective mode and he would turn into a den mother with taking care of you. he wouldn't let you out of his sight at all. when you were sick, everything was skyrocketed by tenfold.

but you absolutely relished in his such protective and possessive nature. it made you feel well taken care of and especially loved. something no other guy has ever made you feel. for someone who came off intense, brooding, and angry he sure was someone who was such a care taker. he was rough all around the edges but incredibly soft and gentle with you. he never wanted anything to happen to you.

until things began clicking together when he told you a huge secret to who he was. he was a werewolf. any normal person should've been scared but for some reason, you weren't scared at all. if anything, it helped make you see why he was the way he was. why he was so instinctive. because it was in his nature to do so, mainly with the people he cares deeply about. you.

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