nineteen | LABYRINTH

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imagine nineteen | labyrinth
SUMMARY; you're in love with derek and it scares you more than anything, but he doesn't seem to let you run from him
WARNINGS; angst!, slow burnish?, derek being instinctive and a bit forceful, slight heartbreak, fluff, and language
SPECIAL NOTE; in honor of taylor swift releasing her latest album 'midnights' last night, i fell in love with her song labyrinth and quickly came up with this!

"i'm not scared of you, i'm fucking terrified of how quickly and strongly i fell in love with you..."


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YOU FELT IT ALL TOO WELL. you always told yourself to stay far away from him. not to let yourself get too close to him, to not get wrapped up around him. that plan was far stretched though. fate always found a way to bring you two together, whether it be bringing him to you or you to him. it only took a few meetings with him to bring yourself to the choice to keep yourself away from him. no matter what, you two always found a way to each other.

you never expected to fall in love with him. hell you never even expected to fall in love again. and you certainly didn't want to. you practically gave up on the idea of love as your precious relationships ended very badly.

they left you with such broken trust and pain, you wished to never fall in love again. a strong fear of love enveloped you and you always kept such a guard around you, no one ever got close to you. sometimes you often had a hard time letting your close friends in fully. you wanted to be alone.

but then you met him. turns out he was just as jaded as you are, if not, more. he always had an emotionless, stoic gaze plastered on his amazingly handsome face. he was dark, always keeping to himself and not letting anything seem to bother him. he was brooding, he was dangerous, and everyone tried to steer clear of him. as did you.

both of you have fractured hearts except it didn't seem to matter to him. because he still longed for you, wanted you, needed you, more than he could ever imagine. he looked past all your flaws, even though he convinced himself to him you were the perfect angel sent to save him. little did he know, he was also sent to save you.

for the longest time, from words spread around, you always pictured him to be incredibly mean and angry as depicted. to not have a care or regard for anyone or anything in the world. they made him out to be some toxic monster when really he was just misunderstood. he lost all his family and only had himself. of course he was angry at the world, of course he would have some burning hatred in him. who wouldn't? you were the first person to look past all that and broke his walls down. you saw everything there is about him, and that's what got you fucked.

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